Ashton Kutcher Sculpts The Body With Diet And Fitness

Ashton Kutcher Sculpts The Body With Diet And Fitness
Ashton Kutcher Sculpts The Body With Diet And Fitness

Ashton Kutcher, the husband of Hollywood star Demi Moore, is very critical of his body. The actor is always careful about what he eats so that not a gram of fat sticks to his muscles. A month or two before the photos keep a diet.

Mr. Demi Moore, as he is jokingly called in Hollywood, has gone to extremes - to drive 3 months on brown rice, broccoli and white chicken, but this was the only time.

Ashton Kutcher sculpts the body with diet and fitness
Ashton Kutcher sculpts the body with diet and fitness

Ashton's slender figure is shaped by workouts in the gym and swimming pool and the South Beach diet, named after the famous American resort.

It limits the intake of harmful carbohydrates contained in white flour, sugar, white rice and pasta.

On the other hand, you can freely eat everything that is whole grain, because it satisfies, and the body needs a lot of time to get hungry after such a "charge".

Desserts, unlike other diets, are allowed, but not more than once a day. Anything that does not exceed 100 calories is allowed - two or three pieces of chocolate, milk dessert, a favorite cream or even a piece of cake.

Beer and cocktails are taboo for Ashton, but he still indulges in them from time to time, especially when he trains hard.

His dietitian recommends the consumption of white or red wine and strictly forbids him to reach for carbonated and hard alcohol.

The diet is divided into 3 stages, and everyone decides when to move to the next level. At the first stage breakfast is: a glass of vegetable juice, 2 eggs (boiled, omelet or on the eyes), coffee or tea. The second breakfast is a piece of cheese, yellow cheese or a handful of nuts.

Lunch includes a vegetable salad with fish or pieces of chicken, the afternoon breakfast is fruit or milk dessert, and dinner is plentiful: broccoli or steamed cabbage, a large lean steak and roasted vegetables. And, of course, dessert, if Ashton didn't eat it at lunch.

The second stage offers breakfast, which contains soaked in water muesli, tea or coffee and 200 g of fresh strawberries. A boiled egg is eaten before lunch, and lunch itself is a huge chicken salad.

Ashton Kutcher sculpts the body with diet and fitness
Ashton Kutcher sculpts the body with diet and fitness

Afternoon breakfast - 1 fruit and 30 g of cheese or yellow cheese, dinner - steamed fish, stewed vegetables, strawberries, drizzled with chocolate.

In the third stage there is only breakfast - half a grapefruit, 3 oatmeal cookies and coffee or tea, lunch - a sandwich with beef and vegetables on a whole grain slice and dinner - roasted chicken breast, a large fresh salad and yogurt or fruit for dessert.
