2025 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:18
Sour thorn (Berberis vulgaris L.) is a beautiful, highly branched shrub of the family Kiseltrunovi, reaching a height of 3 m. The plant is also known as jaundice, yolk, king tree and others.
The root of the thistle is long, thick, yellow, with a dark yellow bark. The branches of the bush are covered with thorns, usually 3 together. The leaves are thin, obovate, oblong, gradually narrowed at the base, with reticulate veins, sparsely serrated, with short stalks, several in the axils of the spines. In autumn, they turn brown.
The flowers of thistle are small, yellow and have an unpleasant odor. The fruits are hanging beautiful bunches. They are oblong, orange-red or black, juicy strawberries, up to 10 mm long, 5 mm wide, with 2-3 seeds. The leaves and fruits have a sour taste. Sour thistle blooms from May to June, after leafing. The fruits ripen in autumn, but do not stay long on the bush. Plants are propagated by seeds.
The sour thorn occurs in Central and Southern Europe, in Russia and elsewhere. In our country the shrub grows in dry, stony places, in the woods, mainly on the outskirts of the forests, in the lower forest zone, usually on calcareous terrain, and the stocks of the plant are limited.
Types of sorrel
In addition to the common sorrel (Berberis vulgaris L.), the most common species are the barberry thorn (Berberis thunbergii) and the julia sorrel Berberis julianae). The latter species is evergreen and, unlike the other two species that produce red fruits, its species are dark blue.
Over the years, some new species have entered Bulgaria, such as Berberis darwinii (2.5 m), which is also evergreen, slightly slower-growing, but with very beautiful, large-cut, dark green, shiny leaves.

In the spring the plant blooms with small yellow and fragrant flowers, resembling miniature daffodils. In late summer, the bush forms dark blue fruits, which give a new look to the plant.
Another evergreen species is B. verruculosa, reaching a height of one meter. Its black fruits are formed in autumn.
Thunberg sorrel may have the most varieties. They are variegated in all colors and have different shapes of the leaf mass.
The leaves of B. th are colored in dark purple. Atropurpurea Nana (60 cm), which can serve as a background in the background or as a red accent among lighter green species.
Bright red are the small leaves of the forms Bagatelle and Harlequin, which are very suitable for combination with other plants.
Very exotic are the leaves of the Rose Glow variety, reaching a height of 1 m. They blend into red-pink-white colors and give the bush an exceptional look.
B. th. Coronita, up to 50 cm, is an equally interesting sorrel. The leaves of the plant are dark red in the middle, surrounded by a bright yellow outline.
A typical representative of the less common species is B. otawensis, reaching a height of 1.8 m. The leaves of this shrub form a dense leaf mass and are slightly larger and more rounded. The most common form is Purpurea with red leaves.
Growing sorrel
There is quite a wide selection of forms of sour thornso this shrub can be used for any purpose in landscaping. The plant can be grown as part of an ornamental group, as a beautiful single plant, for a bush border, for a hedge, even for rock gardens and rocky corners.
Thistle is a common ornamental plant and can be easily found in any specialty store. When buying such a plant, it is good to have in mind where you will plant it and whether you will combine it with other plants. Keep in mind that due to its sharp tongs, the bush is not suitable for places where small children will play.

You should also remember that some forms have different color of the leaves in different seasons - in spring green, and in summer and autumn purple red or yellow.
Otherwise, sorrel is an unpretentious shrub. It grows on all soils and does not need pruning. If you still perform this procedure, the branches of the bush will thicken.
The sour thorn prefers sun exposure, but will grow well in the shade. Varieties with red or yellow leaves, however, will not get the desired color if they do not grow in direct sunlight. The best time to plant the plant is in April and May, but it is not a problem if you do it later in the summer.
Sour thistle content
The roots of the shrub contain quaternary bases (berberine, iatrorisin, columbine, berberubine), tertiary bases (oxyacatanin and berbamine) and an alkaloid that is isolated from the bark of the tree root. Berberine is contained in the bark of the root up to 7%, and in the tree - up to 0, 4%.
Sour thistle fruits contain malic acid, tartaric and citric acid, vitamin C, pectins and carotenoids. The leaves of the bush contain carotene and vitamin C.
Collection and storage of thistle
The roots of the plant / Radix Berberidis /, the bark of the roots / Cortex Berberidis radicis / and the fruits / Fructus Berberidis / are used. The roots of sour thorn are dug in the spring after the sap begins to circulate in the plant. Aboveground parts are cleaned of soil, washed and allowed to drain. The drug prepared in this way is cut into pieces 10-12 cm long and dried or, after washing, only the bark is peeled off.
The fruits of sorrel are harvested when fully ripe and handed over fresh to the herb collection organization. The prepared material is dried in ventilated rooms or in an oven at a temperature of up to 40 degrees. From 3 kg of fresh roots of sorrel 1 kg is obtained dry, and from 4 kg of fresh bark 1 kg is obtained dry. The dried herb is stored in dry and ventilated rooms. The drug needs to be stored with extreme caution because the roots are poisonous.
Benefits of thistle
The sour thorn acts choleretic, biliary, appetite stimulant, vasodilator and antispasmodic. All used parts of the plant eliminate gallbladder spasms and have a analgesic effect in gallstone disease and biliary dyskinesia.

At the same time it stimulates the secretion of bile. The roots and the alkaloids isolated from them are used as a tonic and hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding, to increase heart rate or to lower blood pressure.
In folk medicine they are also used for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, for stomach cramps, diarrhea, dysentery, rheumatism, thorns, swelling, scrofula, psoriasis and others. Externally used for eyelids and gingivitis.
It has been proven that decoctions and tinctures of root bark sour thorn increase the tone and peristaltic activity of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract and uterine contractions, slow down the heart rate and briefly lower blood pressure.
There is also a well-defined antibacterial effect of the herb against staphylococci, aureus, Escherichia coli, salmonella and others.
Sour thistle has a variety of applications. The fruits of the bush can be consumed as food in the form of jams, compotes, marmalades and jellies. They can also be used to prepare liqueur soft drinks with a mild choleretic and digestive effect.
The bark, twigs and leaves give a yellow dye, with which skins and wool can be successfully dyed. Small lathe products are made from the wood of the bush.
Folk medicine with sorrel
Bulgarian folk medicine recommends tea from sour thorn in inflammation and stones in the kidneys and bladder, liver and bile diseases, uterine diseases, pus in the urine, loss of appetite.
Prepare the decoction by boiling 1 teaspoon of the roots in 300 ml of water for about 5 minutes. Strain the liquid and allow it to cool. Take 3 times 100 ml before meals.
Harm from sorrel
The roots of the plant contain highly active alkaloids, which in large doses are poisonous, so they should be used with caution. When taken in very large quantities, the drug can cause nosebleeds and vomiting. An overdose of the herb can even lead to poisoning. Use sorrel only on prescription and no more than 7 days.
The whole herb is contraindicated in young children, pregnant and lactating women. Interactions of berberine with different groups of drugs have not been fully established, so avoid taking thistle with antibiotics, anticoagulants, antihistamines, antihypertensives, antidiabetic drugs, diuretics and celecoxib.
Donkey Thorn

Donkey thorn / Silybum marianum Asteraceae / is a thorny herb that is widespread in our country. Found in southern Europe, it grows all the way to temperate climates in continental Asia. The donkey thistle is artificially imported to North and Central America, as well as to New Zealand and Australia, where it grows aggressively and is known as a weed.
Camel Thorn

Camel thorn or Cnicus benedictus is an annual or biennial plant of the Compositae family. The root of the herb is vertical and branched. The stem of the camel thorn is strongly branched, partly recumbent, reaching 40 cm in height. The leaves of the plant are oblong-lanceolate, toothed, prickly.
White Thorn Flour

I think very few people know, or at least those who eat healthy and use organic products, that milk thistle has many beneficial properties and helps our body. In this article you will find out what these benefits are and why exactly we use milk thistle flour instead of usual.
White Thorn Oil

Silybum marianum is an ordinary prickly weed, but at the same time it is a medicinal plant with unique properties. It is very popular among pharmaceutical companies producing drugs for the treatment and recovery of the liver. Some preparations of milk thistle are known around the world and the number of nutritional supplements based on this plant can not be counted.

Thorn / Prunus Spinosa / is a highly branched thorny shrub of the Rosaceae family, 1-3 m tall, with dark gray bark. The leaves of the thistle are elliptical to obovate, 2-4 cm long, serrated. The flowers are white, usually solitary, 1.