Dr. Vale's Anti-inflammatory Diet

Dr. Vale's Anti-inflammatory Diet
Dr. Vale's Anti-inflammatory Diet

Inflammatory diseases cause a number of conditions that have a negative effect on a person's health.

Dr. Vale's anti-inflammatory diet is a way to protect oneself from inflammatory processes in the body and at the same time to optimize one's mental and physical health.

According to Dr. Andrew Vale, there are foods that lead to inflammatory processes in the body, but also others that have the ability to fight them. He recommends the consumption of healthy fats, high-fiber fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water and reduced intake of animal proteins, except those coming from fish.


Dr. Vale's anti-inflammatory diet is based on a daily caloric intake of 2,000 to 3,000 kcal, depending on a person's age, gender, and daily physical activity.

The diet allows the intake of carbohydrates equal to 40 - 50% of daily consumption, 30% fat and 20 to 30% protein. And it is good to be in such a proportion with each meal during the day.

This diet aims to consume many fruits and vegetables rich in phytonutrients, which we know fight cancer cells and degenerative diseases. Also a menu rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but avoid fried foods and snacks.

Carbohydrates should be eaten more often whole grains, legumes, pumpkin or berries.

Arugula Salad
Arugula Salad

Fat should be obtained by eating avocados, nuts, pressed olive oil, and omega-3 acids should be obtained from the consumption of salmon, sardines or herring.

Yogurt, cheese and soy can be part of the daily menu because they will provide the body with its need for protein.

The diet also allows the consumption of dark chocolate with a minimum cocoa content of at least 70%. And wine lovers will be able to enjoy it, but in moderation.

For the purpose of the anti-inflammatory diet, omega-3 fatty acids should be consumed at least twice a week.

Weight loss with this diet is very likely. The inflammatory process in the body itself is often caused by obesity. That's why scientists are finding Dr. Vale's anti-inflammatory diet a way to heal the body and reduce body weight.
