Anti-stress Diet

Anti-stress Diet
Anti-stress Diet

The anti-stress diet includes many products that are rich in B vitamins, magnesium and last but not least vitamin C. All these substances are extremely useful for the nervous system and help its normal functioning.

For breakfast all the time you can eat muesli, cheese, yogurt, drink juice. Just before going to bed it is good to drink a cup of mint tea or one of lemon balm or lavender.

It is also good during the regime to focus mainly on foods rich in cellulose. Stress states significantly increase cholesterol levels. Cellulose, in turn, reduces the rate of its absorption.

Emphasize ginger, garlic and lemons - they help dilute the blood. When we are stressed, the blood thickens, which in turn makes the risk of stroke and heart attack much higher.


Like any diet, this one does not recommend drinking caffeinated beverages, as well as alcoholic ones. Although we feel that they help us with stress, this relief is deceptive - it is temporary, and after prolonged use, the stress will even deepen. It is believed that two weeks of this regimen are sufficient.

On the first day of the lunch diet you can make a turnip salad, and basically let it be a fish fillet. For drinking - some fruit juice. Dinner should include vegetable soup, boiled fish (maybe steamed), to which you have added plenty of lemon juice. Then reward yourself with a dessert - fruit is a great idea.

Your lunch on the second day should include chicken salad, green beans that you have stewed, and a glass of fruit juice for drinking. Dinner will again be with fish, and as a side dish eat mashed carrots and potatoes, as well as vegetable salad with walnuts. To sweeten, eat fruit milk.

Anti-stress diet
Anti-stress diet

On the third day for lunch, prepare boiled rice with vegetables and roasted peppers, for dessert - fruit. Dinner should be fish with vegetables, and dessert is the same as for lunch - fruit.

The food for the next day should be as follows - lunch with red pepper salad, and mainly lentils. Choose lentil stew or lentil puree. And for dinner to include a salad with a little mayonnaise, and basically make your own beef, the side dish to it can be a vegetable salad. Dessert should include a banana.

The fifth day begins with the usual breakfast, and for lunch you are served a steak with tomato and cucumber salad, fish soup and 1-2 oranges. Dinner should include fish meatballs (maybe fillet), spinach omelette.

Day number six greets you with a fish lunch with some lettuce, cauliflower seasoned with milk sauce and a glass of orange juice. For dinner, prepare beef fillet with mushrooms and mashed potatoes, then eat fruit salad.

The seventh day includes the following foods in the lunch menu - salad, followed by rice, which is with seafood and dessert - whipped cream with chocolate, garnished with hazelnuts. Your dinner is made of onion soup with croutons, the main thing is fish fillet, and to sweeten eat some cream.
