Health Recipe: Salad With Plantain And Dandelion

Health Recipe: Salad With Plantain And Dandelion
Health Recipe: Salad With Plantain And Dandelion

Few people know that plantain is not a weed, but an herb. It is found everywhere in yards, gardens, meadows and pastures. About 200 varieties are known. In our country the most famous is the deciduous plantain.

Many years ago, it was sold in China at very high prices because of its healing properties. It has antibacterial, antimicrobial, laxative and diuretic effects. This weed is one of the most useful gifts of nature.

Its leaves, seeds and juice are used. If you chew a leaf and put it on a wound, it protects against infection, relieves pain, helps with insect bites, mosquito bites, wins, boils and even snake bites.

It is used in various forms - such as tea, ointments, infusions. If you have an open wound, plantain leaves are collected and tied raw to the wound with a bandage overnight. In just an hour the pain will dull and the wound will crust.

It is also used to treat ulcers, colitis, inflammation of the respiratory tract, whooping cough and more. The plantain helps with internal bleeding and hemorrhoids. Today it is reported to help treat some cancers.


A compress is also made with crushed plantain leaves for eye inflammations. Thus prepared, it also helps with inflammation of the mouth - a gargle is made. Infusion of this herb is used for skin problems, lavage, open wounds and inflamed skin.

In addition to healing, plantain is also used in the kitchen. Here is a recipe for how to prepare a delicious and healthy salad:

Gather plantain leaves, dandelion leaves, beets, walnuts, raisins and olives. The red beets are washed, peeled and grated on a coarse grater in a bowl. The greens are washed and cut into thin strips. Mix all products.

Prepare a dressing of olive oil, vinegar, a little Himalayan salt and stir. Season the salad and serve immediately, garnished with olives! Tasty and very useful for our health!
