Butter Is Still Produced From Non-dairy Fats

Butter Is Still Produced From Non-dairy Fats
Butter Is Still Produced From Non-dairy Fats

The Active Consumers Association came up with a study showing that 9 months after the last oil inspections in our markets, the situation remains the same - we still eat butter produced from non-dairy fats.

Contrary to the legislation of the international CODEX system, some producers in Bulgaria continue to mix vegetable oil, hydrogen waste fat or lard.

According to the rules, the oil must be between 80 and 82% fat and up to 16% water content. This applies not only to Bulgaria but to the whole of Europe. After the inspection of Active Users, however, gross violations were found in 4 of the large Bulgarian companies.

The tested brands were Bor-Chvor, Molkerel Ammerland, Sayana, Valchev, CBA, Miltex, Millker butter, Profi Milk and the two Hraninvest oils. The samples were sent to 2 laboratories and the results were completely identical.

Non-milk fats are found in the CBA brand oil - 10%, Profi Milk - 64%, and in both Hraninvest oils - 48% and 38%. Water content above the permissible level was found in the brands CBA - 23.47%, Miltex - 36.97%, Profi Milk - 21.55% and in both oils of Hraninvest - 41.22% and 27.8%.


However, the labels indicate a much lower water content than found, and in 3 of the brands of oils the water in the product is not even mentioned.

According to the ordinance for the production of dairy products in our country, those produced from non-dairy fats must be marked as imitation, and the type of substitute fat must be written on the package, as well as its exact percentage of the total content of the goods.

But some manufacturers stubbornly circumvent this law, deceiving consumers. The problem is not only that customers pay for milk oil, but consume palm oil, but also that hydrogenated oils are an ideal environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms and therefore be dangerous to human health.

Active Consumers doubt that these imitation products are widely available in public places such as hotels, schools and hospitals, which is why they require stricter supervision of producers.
