Product Storage Tips

Product Storage Tips
Product Storage Tips

Cheese and yellow cheese are never cut if they are not used immediately, as this way the pieces dry out, lose their taste and aroma.

If you do not want the cheese or yellow cheese to dry, wrap them in clear plastic wrap or aluminum foil. If you are in nature, but the cheese or yellow cheese should last longer, wrap yourself in a clean cloth soaked in salt water.

After opening the compote, the contents of the jar should be poured into a dry glass or porcelain container, in which it can be stored for no more than 24 hours.

In summer, it is recommended to cut soft salami into pieces and lightly fry before eating. This is done because there are often spices in soft salami that prevent you from finding out if the meat has been affected by the long stay in the refrigerator. Don't buy large cuts of soft salami, but ones that will last you once or twice.

Fresh milk is stored for a long time if you boil it after you buy it. In winter, add a little sugar to the milk - half a tablespoon per liter of milk, and in summer - baking soda on the tip of a knife.


Parsley and dill, as well as other green spices, should not be washed, but only the withered stalks should be removed and the wrist with spices should be put in a plastic bag with one onion, unpeeled, but cut into four parts.

So the green spices will be fresh for a month or more, but every 4 days you need to replace the package with a dry one and put a new onion, cut in four.

The radishes will not dry out and will stay fresh for a few days if you wrap them in a wet towel and then put them in a plastic bag. Thus packaged, stored in the refrigerator.

Onions and garlic are stored in a cloth bag in a cool place, maybe in the bottom of the refrigerator.

The remnants of cake and pastry are wrapped in nylon and stored in the freezer. When needed, thaw and heat slightly in a saucepan with a lid in the oven.

Lemons are kept fresh for a long time if you store them in a large jar of water and change the water every day. Lemons will stay fresh for several months if you wrap them in rice paper and then bury them in dry clean sand.
