The Favorite Food Of The Queen Of England

The Favorite Food Of The Queen Of England
The Favorite Food Of The Queen Of England

Elizabeth II was recently named the longest reigning monarch, and for the 63 years she has been on the British throne, her daily menu has not changed at all, says her former chef Darren McGrady.

McGrady has headed the royal kitchen for 52 years. For several years, however, he has not prepared food for the royal family at Buckingham Palace since he moved to the United States.

The chef has also organized menus for large receptions, official banquets, where Elizabeth II welcomed official guests such as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and others.


McGrady says the British Queen's main requirement is that the food served be seasonal. Elizabeth was very fond of fresh fruits and vegetables, and in the spring, for example, she ordered strawberries to be brought from Baltimore, but she never ate those fruits in the winter.

The favorite food of the Queen of England
The favorite food of the Queen of England

The queen's favorite dishes necessarily included butter and cream. He often orders grilled and salad dishes.

The favorite food of the Queen of England
The favorite food of the Queen of England

By no means did the queen eat anything made with starch. Starch is forbidden on her menu, so chefs do not serve her pasta, potatoes or rice.

Every day the kitchen is obliged to prepare at least two versions of the daily menu, from which the queen can determine what she likes and what she does not. From time to time he makes an offer for something off the menu, most often when there is a guest.

Veal Wellington
Veal Wellington

In the 1990s, when Princess Diana was still Prince Charles' wife, the palace served mostly traditional English food. However, the young princes often ate fried chicken, rice and fish cakes.

Among the recipes that McGrady most often prepared for the noble family were a salad of goat cheese, pears and caramelized walnuts, beef Wellington, roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, Drumkilbo eggs.

The favorite food of the Queen of England
The favorite food of the Queen of England

Princess Diana's favorite dishes were lobster Thermidori and pudding with bread and butter. Prince William loved the chocolate chip cookie cake and the banana flan the most.
