Bread - Food As Old As Man

Bread - Food As Old As Man
Bread - Food As Old As Man

There are foods that are really old! Almost as old as man. One of them is the bread - the beginning and the end, the base and the end, the taste that determines everything after it.

As far as we can imagine, people, whatever their origins, have always consumed bread or at least cereals.

The first people, who ate mainly by hunting, collected the grains they found in nature and ate them without subjecting them to any transformation.

In the Neolithic, prehistoric man began to roast grains (especially barley and wheat) and consume them in the form of a pulp of crushed grains. The Bronze Age follows, during which the dough is flattened on the stone to increase its baking area.

They appear later the first techniques of making bread thanks to its fermentation. This was the case in Ancient Egypt, where bread was made with or without yeast because they knew that heat helped natural fermentation.

Yeast bread production is spread throughout the Middle East. Unleavened bread is often associated with religious rituals, while fermented bread is part of the daily diet.

From the beginning of the VI century the furnaces began to function, but only the nobles could take advantage of them. We had to wait for the Middle Ages for bakery to become a profession. It was organized into corporations in the early 18th century, but we still have to wait for it to become a production.

types of bread
types of bread

In the second half of the 19th century bread production undergoes its second technological change when yeast is included in it. It is that biological product, which is a concentrated mass of yeast that is put into the dough.

In Bulgaria, bread is kneaded in every home and has been a staple of Bulgarian food for centuries, and in some areas has been the only livelihood. White bread, mekitsa and porridge were eaten mainly by the wealthier Bulgarians, while the poor and landless ate black and rye bread.

There are as many regions in Bulgaria as there are stories about bread and the ways to prepare it. A curious detail is that the people by the sea kneaded it with sea water, which gave the dough the right amount of saltiness needed to make truly delicious bread.

And although it has the same roots, bread is different in different parts of Bulgaria, Europe and the world. Southern peoples, for example, liked to consume mainly wheat bread, northern rye. Today in France is popular white baguette (baguette), in Italy - pasta and pizza, in Greece olive bread, in Germany and Austria strudel.

One of the versions of the power of the southern peoples in the past was the ability to produce wheat bread, which is still famous today as giving power and strength. That is why he has the fame of a unifier of all tastes and all nations.
