They Determined The Most Healthy Foods According To Nutritionists

They Determined The Most Healthy Foods According To Nutritionists
They Determined The Most Healthy Foods According To Nutritionists

Who are the most healthy foods? Those that, when consumed every day, help to regulate weight, as well as to avoid serious diseases associated with poor nutrition. These foods are effective in the fight against aging, keep the body in good physical shape, and the mind clear and ready to solve complex problems.

Ketogenic diet

With this diet you get increased fat intake. Carbohydrates are reduced and proteins are minimized. The idea is that low carbs will force the liver to convert fat into ketones. Ketones are a natural substitute for glucose. This will start the body's metabolism and burn calories without starving.

The ketogenic diet is not suitable for people with impaired metabolism, for pregnant and lactating women, for people who exercise actively.

The most important trends in healthy eating this year

According to health experts, every year comes new ideas for the best diet. For 2019, the main directions in healthy eating are moving in the following directions.

Entering prebiotics in the diet


Prebiotics are indigestible dietary fibers that promote the growth of good bacteria. The probiotics we already know are live bacteria that are good for the digestive tract. To get prebiotics, you need to eat 2 servings of fruits and 5 servings of vegetables a day. All types of onions and cabbage are foods that contain prebiotics.

Birch water, which contains vitamin C and is good for the liver, can replace the popular coconut water. It has a beneficial effect on both arthritis pain and water retention.

Veganism is a way to significantly ease the work of your body.


Sugar should be excluded from more foods.

Personal nutrition is what will be increasingly needed, as the way the human body responds to food is strictly individual.

Foods that are best for metabolism

It is good to replace some sources of vitamins with others. Pumpkin can replace bananas. Potassium content is higher in pumpkin than in bananas.

Foods rich in protein speed up the metabolism and also help to build muscle mass.

Protein-rich foods
Protein-rich foods

For iron, zinc and selenium, which are very important for the body, it is good to consume seafood, legumes and nuts.

Metabolism is also accelerated by the consumption of hot peppers, coffee, tea, cocoa, coconut oil and seaweed.

It is filled only in a certain part of the day

Salty foods
Salty foods

Because of the activity of the brain, people find high-calorie snacks more tempting. Then overeat with saturated fats and sugars. As a result of research, it was concluded that in the second part of the day the brain has an increased need for foods rich in salt, fat and sugars. Therefore, it is consumed more during this part of the day. Therefore, in these hours of the day we must be careful with the products to which our body has a preference. This can become a basic principle in dietary nutrition according to experts.

Scientists believe that frequent consumption of salads, rich in vitamins A, B 6, C, E, K, helps better digestion and regulates body weight.
