The Most Suitable Foods Before Binge Drinking

The Most Suitable Foods Before Binge Drinking
The Most Suitable Foods Before Binge Drinking

Taking our favorite alcoholic beverages gives us great pleasure. But if we overdo it with the cup, we often complain of headaches, nausea and general fatigue. However, there are some foods that could save us from a hangover and related ailments, as long as we take them before the next binge.


Experienced drinkers are well aware that pickles are able to drive away the hangover. They can also be eaten before drinking alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates the body and removes electrolytes from it. In turn, pickled foods help to restore their balance.

Mashed potatoes

Knowing that a dizzying night awaits you, it is not bad to take measures against the effects of alcohol in advance. When drinking alcohol, blood sugar levels rise. Eating mashed sweet potatoes, however, will balance the levels.


Grilled chicken

Do you like roast chicken? Be sure to include it in your evening menu when you are about to get drunk. Roast chicken is a source of relatively little fat and carbohydrates. Thus, it becomes the ideal food that precedes alcoholic beverages. In addition, the chicken will charge you with energy for several hours.


Studies have shown that asparagus contains amino acids that protect liver cells from the effects of alcohol.



Almonds go hand in hand with alcoholic beverages. According to scientists, however, it is not bad to eat before reaching for the cup. According to experts, they minimize the discomfort we can experience after drinking alcohol.


Hummus is among the favorite foods of fans of healthy eating. It is an excellent source of B vitamins. Alcohol has a negative effect on this group of vitamins and therefore after more serious drinking people feel tired and sleepy. Eating hummus restores balance in the body and protects against discomfort.

Vegetable juice

And a wild party awaits you tonight? Then do not forget to prepare fresh juice from spinach, cucumbers, celery, parsley. If desired, you can add any other greens. All this liquid wealth will protect you from impending dehydration (caused by alcohol) and will restore significant electrolytes.



According to experts, milk is also one of the products that prevent hangovers. Experience has shown that the intake of milk drinks contributes to the formation of a protective layer in the stomach, due to which the absorption of alcohol becomes slower.


Eggs contain cysteine - an amino acid that helps break down some of the toxins in alcohol. In addition, they will provide you with energy so that you do not crash after the first cup.
