Fruit And Hot Tea Cool Quickly When Overheated

Fruit And Hot Tea Cool Quickly When Overheated
Fruit And Hot Tea Cool Quickly When Overheated

The heat is really a risk that should not be ignored. However, you may not be aware that it is good to walk barefoot at every opportunity. Many points on the feet are directly related to the work of various organs and their stimulation increases the overall tone of the body.

Water can be replaced with fruits and vegetables with high water content - cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon. They also supply extra vitamins and minerals.

Warm green tea is indispensable in the heat, because it regulates heat transfer. In the hottest places on the planet, people have long been convinced of this, and it is teas, not iced drinks, that are their "cooling".

All fruits and vegetables with white or green color are "cooling".

The cold shower is a deceptive solution - the vessels shrink, but then expand even more. A warm, even hot shower is recommended. If you have large windows, blinds may be insufficient protection.

The foil comes to the rescue - it reflects heat and light and so the heating in the room will be reduced.

A sudden change in temperature when entering cold water can cause heart spasm, so be sure to stand in the shade first to cool the overheated body.

Do not fight sweating by all means. Sweat, although unpleasant for you and others, is the strongest means of the body to resist overheating.

The most dangerous way to stop sweating is to abstain from fluids - the result can be extremely severe. In the heat do not drink beer, strong coffee and cocktails. They are a great test for the heart. If you are going to drink alcohol at all, let it be white wine diluted with water.

At temperatures above 26º, drink a glass of water every half hour. Often pour cold water on your hands and elbows.
