Foods To Eat For Depression

Foods To Eat For Depression
Foods To Eat For Depression

More and more people nowadays suffer from depression. The causes range from loss and grief to genetic predisposition, attitude (are you pessimistic by nature?), Life changes, stress, lack of sleep and exercise, social isolation, and chronic pain or illness.

Symptoms of depression often range from insomnia to anger and helplessness, lack of purpose and motivation, inability to start or complete tasks, social isolation, chronic fatigue and even pain.

A study in the British Journal of Psychiatry reports that people on a diet rich in whole foods are less likely to suffer from depression. Another study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that those who ate fresh fruits and vegetables were less depressed.

Natural compounds that fight depression

One of the causes of depression is high levels of homocysteine in the blood. According to a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine, low levels of folic acid and vitamin B12 lead to an increase in homocysteine and an increased risk of depression. Thus, increasing folate intake may be one way to help fight depression.

Another useful substance is selenium. It is a powerful antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress in the brain, which in turn reduces depression.

Another factor is tryptophan, a naturally occurring essential amino acid that helps us relax and feel better.

Magnesium helps reduce anxiety in our nerves and muscles and thus facilitates sleep and better mood.

Fiber supports the digestive tract by reducing toxins and helping to create a feeling of satiety, helping to reduce hunger and maintain a healthy weight. Weight is such an important factor because obesity is one of many causes of depression. Potassium increases mental function, which helps reducing the symptoms of depression.

Consumption of foods that increase serotonin levels in the brain is considered an essential factor to help reduce the symptoms of depression. Complex carbohydrates in certain fresh fruits and vegetables increase serotonin production.

Fruits to combat depression

1. Citrus fruits are a rich source of folate, which reduces the symptoms of depression.

2. Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are another great source of folic acid, fighting depression.

3. Tomatoes are a fruit rich in lycopene, which maintains unique phytonutrients that help reducing the effect of depression.

4. Kiwi contains a valuable complex of compounds that help fight depression, including folate, vitamin K and tryptophan.

5. Bananas are high in compounds that help release serotonin in the brain, which raises mood. They also have powerful natural energy that is healthier than caffeine and alcohol, which should be avoided by those who suffer from depression.

Vegetables fighting depression

1. Cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage and broccoli are also high in folate and omega-3.

2. Beets have been shown to relieve the symptoms of depression due to a compound known as betaine, which helps regulate homocysteine.

3. Mushrooms contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that fight depression such as selenium, folate and vitamin D. Just a handful of mushrooms a day can help relieve symptoms!

4. Brightly colored peppers are a great way to beat a bad mood and help reduce the symptoms of depression with their rich content of folate and B6.

Use these fruits and vegetables in your juice and smoothie recipes to help fight depression. Don't let a bad mood crush you!
