GMO Rapeseed Oil Makes The Meat Extremely Tender

GMO Rapeseed Oil Makes The Meat Extremely Tender
GMO Rapeseed Oil Makes The Meat Extremely Tender

Canola is a new product that is a genetically modified rapeseed oil. It has the lowest amounts of saturated fat, as well as a rich content of cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated fats. Canola has the highest levels of omega-3 fats known to date.

The new type of rapeseed oil has not yet been launched on the market. A number of tests are conducted to prove or disprove some of its properties and advantages.

A study of canola in Canada found an interesting ability of the new type of rapeseed oil - to make the meat much more tender and juicy. To prove their point, researchers at Francis Javier University and Memorial University of Newfoundland extracted protein hydrolysates from canola.

For this purpose, they used completely natural enzymes. The results showed that cooking with a similar consistency, meat not only increases its ability to retain water, but also acquires certain antioxidant properties.

Two enzymes were used in the experiment, with the Flavourzyme type showing higher levels of efficacy than the mixed type or the use of the other enzyme alone. It reports high antioxidant activity, indicated by anti-radical activity against free radical DPPH, as well as reducing ability.


Today, the local food industry uses phosphates to preserve the juiciness of meat by combining it with water. Scientists believe that protein hydrolysates are a suitable alternative. There are growing concerns that certain phosphates are having a negative effect on some of the people they reach, especially those with diabetes and kidney problems. Replacing them with these hydrolysates would be the healthiest solution.

Subsequent tests fully prove the thesis that when used in meat products, hydrolysates increase the water retention capacity. They visibly improved their cooking skills. Therefore, canola has a real but still potential application in the food industry.

Scientists still have many unanswered questions. Additional studies should be performed to establish the exact amino acid structure of the hydrolysates, as well as the exact relationship with the water retention capacity of meat products.
