Meals By Time - What Should You Eat And When?

Meals By Time - What Should You Eat And When?
Meals By Time - What Should You Eat And When?

Something extremely interesting - experts have determined what foods we should consume at different times of the day. Factors such as speed of metabolism and absorption of food by the body, provision of energy, sleep, etc. are taken into account.

You hardly guessed what big the right food has an impactconsumed in different parts of the day. You will feel the change as soon as you try!

So how do you feel great all day? - Like you eat the right products for the hour. Here they are:

From 5:00 to 6:00 - in case you are up early or training in the morning, for good physical preparation breakfast is a must. You can afford a whole grain breakfast rich in fiber, protein and vitamins. Eggs could also be part of it. Great toning start to the day!

From 7:00 to 9:00 - a stable breakfast is recommended during these hours (for people who get up during these hours). Suitable are eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, fruit. It is important to get at least 20 grams of protein from breakfast so that you can last until noon and have energy for morning tasks.

cottage cheese with raspberries
cottage cheese with raspberries

From 10:00 to 11:00 - bet on fruits and vegetables. A good option for apples with a little peanut butter, carrots, avocados, because of their content of useful fats, hummus. These are products that provide satiety to the body and will not be a burden on the stomach.

From 12:00 to 14:00 - treat yourself to a great lunch consisting of a large and plentiful green salad (it can also be "Caesar" for those who love). In addition to vegetables, add whole grains or protein. Lunch should keep you full until dinner, so make sure it is healthy and filling.

From 18:00 to 19:00 - eat something light, which, however, will provide you with the necessary elements for the body. A portion of lean protein garnished with vegetables would be ideal. Meat could also be part of your dinner, served with your favorite vegetables. It is important not to strain your stomach and not to overeat in order to sleep peacefully.
