Basic Rules Of The Diet

Basic Rules Of The Diet
Basic Rules Of The Diet

The vital activity of the organism is determined by a number of biological rhythms. The digestive system also has such rhythms.

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone determine their diet both in time and in the amount of food consumed.

The condition of the gastrointestinal tract inevitably has a significant impact on the overall condition of the body.

There is an old saying that is always quoted in the recommendations dedicated to rational nutrition. Let's remember it: "Eat breakfast alone, share lunch with friends, and give dinner to your enemy."

The lesson is that the main amount of food a person needs for the day should be consumed in the first half. And this is quite understandable. Food is "our fuel", thanks to which the brain, muscles, heart and all other organs can function properly.

Breakfast is especially important in this regard. The first basic rule is that you should not eat breakfast immediately after waking up. As is known during sleep, all body functions are suppressed, including the functions of the digestive glands.

That is why when we wake up, as a rule, we do not feel hungry. If we sit at the table immediately, the benefits of breakfast will be negligible. Rather, harm can be done. The digestive glands are not yet able to function properly.

After waking up and the procedures in the bathroom, it is recommended to do a few quick morning exercises. The goal is to "wake up" the digestive system. With warmed up muscles all internal organs are more intensively impulsed.


Breakfast should be moderate in quantity. Some nutritionists even believe that it should not be composed of many and varied elements.

It often happens that there is no time left for breakfast. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to a small amount of food, instead of quickly swallowing everything without chewing for a long time.

Regarding lunch, it is recommended that it consist of three components. Among the basic rules of nutrition are the second meal of the day to include mainly protein or carbohydrate food in combination with vegetables.

It is also recommended that the fruits, which we initially leave for dessert, be eaten at the beginning of lunch.

Dinner is best served around 7pm, if of course your opening hours allow it. Keep in mind that there should be a time gap of about four hours between eating the last meal of the day and sleeping. This is the minimum required time to complete the digestive processes.

Dinner should be very light and consist of quickly digestible food. In terms of caloric content and volume, it should not exceed ¼ of the total daily amount.

Last but not least, it would be nice to eat at specific times. This will have an extremely beneficial effect on both the stomach and your whole body.
