Stolen - The Fragrant Taste Of Christmas

Stolen - The Fragrant Taste Of Christmas
Stolen - The Fragrant Taste Of Christmas

Christmas is beautiful all over the world, shining in different lights and smelling wonderful aromas. One of the places around which the festive mood reigns in full force is the German Christmas Bazaar. Whether in Munich, Berlin, Dresden or Sofia, there is always fun in the company of punch or mulled wine, among the smell of sausages and cinnamon, and of course, the royal gallery.

It is the famous German Christmas cake, which has been an integral part of the holiday in Germany for centuries. As the holidays approach, the famous cake is already in store windows - covered with powdered sugar and smelling of rum and fruit.

Characteristic of stolen is that it is a kind of sweet bread made half of butter. In fact, this has not always been the case. When it was created in the distant year 1427, it was really tasteless, because it was prepared according to the canon of fasting - without milk and butter. Its mixture consisted only of water, oats and beetroot oil. It first appeared in this form in Naumburg, a city in Germany, and was made as a gift to a local pastor.

Dough for gallery
Dough for gallery

The gallery spread quickly, but remained tasteless. In fact, so tasteless that even the rulers of Northern Saxony set about improving its taste. In 1430, the Elector, or more simply Prince Ernst, and his brother, the Saxon Duke Albrecht, sent a petition to the Pope in Rome asking him to allow Christmas bread to be made with real butter despite fasting.

The then Pope Nicholas V refused, but the princes did not give up. They wrote to the next pope, and to the next, and so on, until 1491, when they finally succeeded. Pope Innocent VIII heard their prayers and issued the so-called "oil letter". According to him, the stall could now be made with butter instead of sugar cane oil, but for a fee. And the proceeds would go to building cathedrals.

The gallery quickly spread throughout Germany, and today is the most famous Christmas cake in the country. And not only in it. He has kept the old tradition of preparing for Christmas, although with ingredients not according to the canon. Its original form has been preserved, whose idea before and now is to remind of a swaddled baby, that is, of the Infant.


The most famous in Germany is the Dresden gallery. It is from Dresden that the tradition of Christmas bakers to present their master with a stall, 1.50 meters long, originates. In 1790, Augustus the Great ordered a huge barn (according to some information weighing 1.8 tons) to be baked and distributed to the people. This tradition is still alive today. At the end of November, the famous Christmas bazaar in Dresden was opened with a two-meter gallery, which was distributed to the people by the mayor of the city.

Like most known foods, and the gallery already exists under many variants in different recipes. However, the rule remains to add 500 grams of butter to 1 kg of flour. You also need crushed almonds, raisins, lemon and orange peel, as well as any other dried fruit. And of course, a lot of desire and love with which to prepare.

Happy Holidays!
