We Have Been Eating Horse Lasagna For Months

We Have Been Eating Horse Lasagna For Months
We Have Been Eating Horse Lasagna For Months

The results of the samples from the banned 86 kg. lasagna bolognese are ready. The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA) confirmed the presence of horse DNA in the samples, which were sent earlier this week for testing in a German laboratory.

The analysis of the samples was performed by the Institute for Food Quality in Berlin, Germany. The data showed that the content of horse meat in the first sample it is 80% and in the second 50%. All detained products of this type will be sent for destruction to a slaughterhouse.

None of the competent authorities undertakes to assess how long the "horse" lasagna in question has been offered by the French giant Carrefour on the Bulgarian market. According to unofficial data, the shipment was imported to Bulgaria at the end of last year.

Following the notification received through the Food and Feed Notification System (RASFF), the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency carries out enhanced control of the products on the Bulgarian market. Over the last week, more than 30 samples were taken and sent for a "screening" test to the Bulgarian Food Safety Reference Center at the BFSA. All samples tested so far were negative.

It is planned to send another 100 samples for DNA analysis, for the presence of horse meat in March, according to a decision of the European Commission. Five samples have been sent to various European laboratories today.

According to the experts, the proven presence of horse instead of beef in the lasagna in question does not in any way pose a danger to the health of the people who bought this product.

Horse meat is healthy and is considered a delicacy in many countries. The question is to what extent it is legal and moral to mislead consumers with misleading labels.
