Palm Oil Raises Cholesterol

Palm Oil Raises Cholesterol
Palm Oil Raises Cholesterol

Palm oil is an organic product derived from the fleshy part of the oil palm. It has a red-orange color, rich in carotenoids and palmitic acid.

Cures at temperatures below 30 ° C. It is characterized by a typical walnut taste and pleasant aroma.

It is widely used in the food industry, cooking, in the production of soap, stearin, margarine, and also as a lubricant.

In cooking it is a suitable fat for frying, as well as in the preparation of confectionery.

World production of palm oil in 2005 amounted to about 35 million tons, and the largest producers and exporters are Malaysia (15 million tons) and Indonesia (14 million tons).

Palm oil is increasingly playing a very important role in our diet. Many chefs around the world, as well as producers of various foods, prefer this type of butter because it is 3-4 times cheaper.

That is why palm oil began to increasingly replace vegetable oil or ordinary animal oil in confectionery, ice cream, waffles, popcorn and many others.

It has long been thought that palm oil is much more dangerous to the heart than animal oil. However, it later became clear that it affected cholesterol levels as much as animal oil.

Therefore, try to exclude products containing palm oil, carefully looking at the contents. Keep in mind that quite often manufacturers mask palm oil under the definition of vegetable oils.
