Foods That Heal

Foods That Heal
Foods That Heal

Are you protected from the cold and flu season? Even if you have the flu, you continue to wash your hands devoutly and take Vitamin C to make sure. But remember that the foods you eat can prevent these ailments. Try these delicious ideas: they taste great and help you feel good.

Chicken soup. She is at the top of the list. The warm chicken soup unclogs the clogged air ducts and the food broth gives you more energy. Add a good amount of vegetables, including onions and garlic, for extra healing power.

Spicy and spicy foods. Some peoples swear that garlic, hot peppers or hot sauce help with congestion (blood flow). Prepare ethnic dishes that include these products, or just add hot sauce for extra energy.

Fluids. Be hydrated with enough fluids. Instead of coffee, soda or sugary drinks, drink plenty of water and fresh juices. Hot drinks work better for some people; try tea, warm water with lemon or even warm lemonade.

Citrus fruits. Stock up on citrus fruits to increase your intake of Vitamin C. For breakfast, drink orange juice, eat half a grapefruit or add slices of tangerine to your salad. Increased intake of Vitamin C is especially important if you are a smoker, as smoking increases the risk of colds, and in order for the body to protect itself, it needs Vitamin C.


Sources of Vitamin C. Citrus fruits are not the only source rich in Vitamin C. To the arsenal of products to protect against colds, include potatoes, green peppers, pineapple and strawberries.

Garlic. This fragrant bulb is known to reduce the symptoms of flu and colds. Add garlic to your favorite foods or even chew 1-2 cloves of raw garlic. Most of us consider it an ordinary bulb, but in fact it is extremely important.


Ginger. Many people believe that the use of fresh ginger root helps in the treatment of flu and colds. Try making ginger tea: fill a cup of boiling water with over 2 tablespoons of fresh ginger and let it soak for about 5-10 minutes.

The most important thing in these foods is the presence of Vitamin C, which is the basis for any medical decisions.

Remember that if our daily routine involves skipping meals, taking high doses of caffeine for "energy", eating foods rich in fats and sugars, we ourselves cause the onset of disease.

To keep your immune system in good shape, eat lots of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and pure protein. Think of food as part of your battle with disease and you will be able to overcome it.
