Cornflowers - Autumn Pharmacy By Nature

Cornflowers - Autumn Pharmacy By Nature
Cornflowers - Autumn Pharmacy By Nature

One of the most common shrubs in our country is dogwood. It is grown as an ornamental plant and grows in places with an altitude of up to 1300 m. Dogwood is the fruit of the shrubby tree. It is red, oblong and spindle-shaped. The months in which the dogwoods ripen are from August to October. Ripe cornflowers have a pleasant sweet-sour and slightly tart taste.

When the cornflowers are ready to be picked

The mature fruits of the plant are used for treatment, and sometimes the young twigs and bark. Ready to pick are the fruits that turn red. They gather without waiting for them to soften. They should be torn off together with the stalks when the weather is dry, because when the fruits are moistened, they are easily damaged.

Storage and drying of dogwood

The cornflowers can be stored for no more than 10 days, harvested under normal conditions. They should not be washed, as they mold quickly during storage. Biochemical processes take place in the detached cornflowers and as a result the fruits darken, soften and become sweeter and very tasty, and their tart taste almost disappears. Then they are the most pleasant for fresh consumption. When we decide to dry cornflowers, they must be well ripened and firm. Dry in dry and ventilated rooms, spread out without touching. Approximately 100-150 g of dry fruit is obtained from 1 kg of fresh fruit.

Benefits of dogwood

Dogwood juice
Dogwood juice

The fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C, fructose, glucose, pectins, vitamin P, tannins, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron. They are useful in anemia, cardiovascular disease, kidney problems and liver disease. They help with diseases that occur with fluid retention in the body.

Cornflowers also have a beneficial effect on the alkaline-acid balance of the body. They are also useful in gout, gastrointestinal bleeding and metabolic disorders. Fresh or dried fruits are used in gastrointestinal disorders for tightening and as an aid in gastritis, colitis and bleeding diarrhea.

In case of vitamin C deficiency, both fresh and dried cornflowers are useful for consumption. Keep in mind that when dried, red fruits lose almost completely vitamin C, but retain their good taste and can be used in the preparation of tea. They are also suitable for a wine drink. Prepared wine from dogwood is as rich in vitamin as rosehip wine.

Folk medicine with cornflowers

At elevated temperatures, fruit juices and syrups have a very refreshing effect. Decoction of dried dogwood for diarrhea is prepared by soaking two tablespoons of dried dogwood in 250 ml of cold water and staying cool all night. The next day the extract is drunk 1-2 times.

For gargling for bleeding gums, infusion is made by pouring two tablespoons of dry dogwood with 250 ml of boiling water. Gargle with the cooled liquid or it can be drunk 1-2 times a day as tea.

Cornflower jam


After 2-3 days, the cornflowers, in order to soften them, are cleaned from the stalks, placed in a vessel with a little water and boiled. They are then mashed and passed through a sieve to separate the skins and stones. Sugar is added to the obtained porridge / 1/2 kg of sugar is added to 1 kg of porridge / and it is poured into a pan. Boil over medium heat, stirring constantly, until a lasting mark begins to remain after the spatula. The jam is poured into hot jars and closed with lids.
