From The Natural Pharmacy - 5 Teas With Expectorant Action

From The Natural Pharmacy - 5 Teas With Expectorant Action
From The Natural Pharmacy - 5 Teas With Expectorant Action

Sputum is formed as a result of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract. This is mucus that collects in the tracheal tube of the lungs. With the onset of winter, the air microbes increase, leading to the formation of sputum. These germs often cause flu, colds and infections. Consumption of herbal teas relieves cough.

There are many herbal teas that have a pronounced expectorant effect. The most used are teas made from eucalyptus, mint, thyme and other herbs, which are also used for inhalation and relief of the upper respiratory tract. It is important to consume herbal teas to reduce the effect of sputum.

Hot tea
Hot tea

And what are the most important and effective herbal teas for expectoration?

1. Thyme tea is one of the traditional herbal teas. It is most effective for coughs and flu. It shows an effect shortly after taking it, softening the throat, soothing the stomach, accelerating sweating and reducing germs. An important feature is that it has an expectorant effect, thus facilitating the coughing up of tough secretions in the throat and chest. Thyme tea can be sweetened with honey instead of sugar. Thus, the honey will keep for a longer period of time under the influence of the tea itself.

2. Mint tea - natural herbal tea with beneficial effects on the lungs and treatment of cough. In addition, mint tea reduces muscle pain and nausea. Inhaling the vapors of mint tea can also help open the lungs. Peppermint oil can also be used as a massage to rub into the chest and throat, which relieves cough and unclogs the nose.


3. Anise tea - the main purpose of this tea is to relieve bloating and facilitate the removal of excess gas. The antiseptic substances contained in it help to easily get rid of the organism from the microbes leading to diseases. Inhalations with anise relieve the lungs and have an expectorant effect.

4. Eucalyptus tea - has inhalation properties. Helps relax the upper respiratory tract. Put some water and some eucalyptus leaves in a saucepan. Inhaling this vapor softens breathing and helps with easy expectoration.

5. Dill tea - another tea that helps with easy expectoration. Softens the throat. Prevents dry cough in bronchitis. It also relieves abdominal pain, bloating and gas.
