The Advice Of Experts! How To Recognize Quality Honey

The Advice Of Experts! How To Recognize Quality Honey
The Advice Of Experts! How To Recognize Quality Honey

Honey is among the most widely used products during the winter season, as according to a number of grandmother's recipes, it relieves flu and colds.

However, the quality of the honey we buy is high, experts say.

The Read the btv label section explains the most reliable way you can check if you are being sold real honey.

The method is to turn the jar upside down and if the contents inside flow without problems like water, then most likely it is not real honey, and the product is of very low quality.

However, the more liquid honey is not always of lower quality. When liquefied at a temperature of 45 degrees, this is a signal of quality. Heating above this temperature is not recommended because it loses its useful properties.

But even when heated, real honey flows slowly, not like water, experts say.

quality honey
quality honey

To achieve this characteristic density of the real product, many manufacturers add starch. In 2013, the Active Consumers Association conducted a test of 10 brands of Bulgarian honey and found that starch was added en masse.

According to Bogomil Nikolov, chairman of the Association, the biggest violation of honey nowadays is that many producers present industrially produced honey as bee honey.

However, it is advisable to read the labels carefully to be sure what you are buying.

Experts say that in recent years the production of honey in our country has fallen sharply. About 5,000 tons are already produced annually, and before that the amount of Bulgarian honey reached 10,000 tons.
