How To Mix And Match Alcohol

How To Mix And Match Alcohol
How To Mix And Match Alcohol

Every holiday, with or without an occasion, it is harder for us to give up a glass of champagne or a favorite cocktail. And although we all know the basic rules of alcohol consumption (not to drink on an empty stomach or not to mix strong drinks with each other), it should also be clear that the danger to health is the regular and systematic use of alcoholic beverages in excessive doses.

Drinking alcohol in itself complicates the work of our body, and if you mix them with each other, eat inappropriate food and take medication, you can have a truly unpredictable effect.

The ability to drink alcohol is not drunkenness, but art.

Everyone alcohol should be combined and combined with a snack. For starters, it is recommended to start with low-alcohol drinks.

It is best to mix alcohol with food. First, eat well and don't forget about breakfast.

Each type of alcoholic beverage must have a glass of a certain type.

When served, the same alcohol delivered to the table must be at a certain temperature.

You can mix alcoholic beverages from only one raw material - for example wine and cognac / from grapes /. There is a wide range of different cognac snacks. They are consumed with the drink in different countries depending on the taste preferences of each person. The elite drink is combined with fruits only if they are ripe and juicy - apples, grapes and all citrus varieties.

Cognac goes well with seafood such as oysters, mussels and more. Different types of cheese will give an unusual taste of cognac, cut and arranged, you can use a variety of this product.

Whiskey and beer can be mixed - which are made up of barley.

Vodka, which is made from wheat, cannot be mixed with anything.

You cannot mix drinks that are very different in their production technology.

You can not mix strong alcohol with inappropriate types of carbonated beverages, as carbon dioxide irritates the stomach and, accordingly, alcohol it is rapidly absorbed into the blood. You will get drunk faster and in the morning you will get a guaranteed hangover syndrome and serious health problems.

Be moderate, so you will be left with good memories and impressions.
