Cranberry Is A Must For People With Diabetes

Cranberry Is A Must For People With Diabetes
Cranberry Is A Must For People With Diabetes

Do you know how useful blueberry leaves and fruits are? They are also very healing, especially for people with diabetes. In diabetes, instead of water you can drink a decoction of 3 tbsp. dried fruits in 1 tbsp. water, and the decoction should boil for 15 minutes.

The bilberry is a semi-shrub, 10 to 40 cm high. The fruit is a multi-seeded, oval and bluish-black strawberry. It has a pleasant sour-sweet and slightly astringent taste, and the plant blooms from May to July. It is found in the high mountains above 1000 m above sea level, in coniferous and deciduous forests and pastures together with cranberries and blueberries.

The leaves and fruits are collected for medicinal purposes. Cranberry has a tightening, anti-inflammatory effect. Folk medicine recommends bilberry for gastritis, enteritis and colitis. It is good to eat fresh fruit - they also help with chicken blindness, leaf infusion - with hemorrhoids, and with painful attacks, kidney stones and gout.

You can mix 2 tbsp. of the herb with 500 ml of water, soak for 2 hours.


An infusion is prepared from the dried fruits: 100 g are soaked with 200 ml of lukewarm water for about 8 hours.

Infusion is made from 5 g of chopped dried fruit or 1 tablespoon of leaves and 200 ml of boiling water. Leave to soak for 2 hours. Take 100 ml of the infusion 3 times a day before meals.

It is used in inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetes.

It is very pleasant to the taste and is used in cooking and to make many types of ice cream, creams, mousses and more. In addition to being delicious, it should be present regularly in the diet of people with diabetes.
