Diet For Blood Group B

Diet For Blood Group B
Diet For Blood Group B

People with blood type B have a different set of characteristics than people with group 0 or A. According to some studies, group B people are susceptible to different diseases, need to eat different foods and train on a completely different way.

The influence of blood type is related to the way genes interact with each other. This mechanism explains why your blood type can affect such a diverse number of body systems, from digestive enzymes to neurochemicals.

Blood type B developed in the Himalayan mountains, now part of present-day Pakistan and India. Pushed from the hot, lush savannas of East Africa to the cold Himalayan mountains, blood type B may have initially mutated in response to climate change. As type B, you carry the genetic potential for great susceptibility and the ability to thrive in changing conditions.

Key challenges that may hinder optimal health for type B include the tendency to produce higher than normal cortisol levels in stressful situations, sensitivity to specific lectins in selected foods that lead to inflammation, susceptibility to viruses and vulnerability. to autoimmune diseases.

Diet for blood group B
Diet for blood group B

People with blood type B. are prone to unhealthy weight gain if they consume a certain type of food. These include corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds.

Each of these foods affects the efficiency of the metabolic process, leading to fatigue, fluid retention and postprandial hypoglycemia.

When you eliminate these foods and start eating a diet that is appropriate for your blood type, your blood sugar levels should remain normal after eating.

Another very common food that people with blood type B should avoid, is the chicken. Chicken contains agglutinating lectin in its muscle tissue. Although it is lean meat, the problem is due to the agglutinating lectin that attacks the blood and its potential to lead to strokes and immune disorders.

It is recommended to avoid chicken and replace it with goat, lamb, mutton, rabbit or venison. Other foods that promote weight loss are green vegetables, eggs, low-fat dairy products.

When they accept appropriate foods, people with blood type B they can control their weight and maintain a functioning immune system at high speeds.
