Recipes With Chestnuts That Will Heal And Beautify You

Recipes With Chestnuts That Will Heal And Beautify You
Recipes With Chestnuts That Will Heal And Beautify You

Few people know that wild chestnuts are useful. With them we will be not only healthier, but also more beautiful. Now is the time to jump to the nearby park and pick chestnuts. Here are some recipes for their application.

1. White chestnut can produce a white powder, it will improve the condition of the gums, you will whiten them with one tone. First, the chestnuts are cleaned of the brown shell. The dry, white core is ground into flour. Your medicine is ready. With it you will have a natural means of oral hygiene. All you have to do is dissolve a little powder with a little water and rub your teeth and gums;

2. White chestnut powder stops hair loss. This white part of the chestnut is most beneficial to health. Peeled chestnuts are dried, then ground with a coffee grinder. You can use this raw material when you need it in different conditions. Wash your hair with a well-diluted white powder. You will be surprised, but only after a month this mixture will normalize the work of the sebaceous glands of the head, hair loss will stop and new hair will begin to grow;

3. Chestnuts also relieve sinusitis. From the inner white part make small candles and place in the nostrils for 20 minutes. People who have tried it are very happy with the result;

4. Chestnuts against arthritis. Wild chestnut flour is put in warm coconut or mustard oil. You need to get a slurry to spread. Then cover the foot with nylon on top and put on a sock or wrap with woolen cloth;


5. In case of varicose veins, they are placed in a suitable container, broken and peeled chestnuts. Pour enough alcohol or alcohol to cover and leave in a dark and cool place. Whoever changes the color of alcohol, is ready. Every night you can apply and rub with the resulting tincture.

If you have a similar problem, just prepare your recipe and stay healthy!
