What To Do If We Get Burned In The Kitchen

What To Do If We Get Burned In The Kitchen
What To Do If We Get Burned In The Kitchen

Burning is damage to body tissues caused by the action of high temperatures or chemicals. There are four degrees of burns: reddening of the skin, blistering, killing of the skin layer and killing of the tissues in depth.

Very often a person burns himself in the kitchen while cooking something - either he is sprayed with boiling oil from the pan, or he touches the hot oven with his hand without wanting to.

The affected area should be immediately cooled with water and sprinkled with baking soda. The burnt area can be covered with the fleshy part of the pumpkin. You can make washes with a decoction of 40 grams of crushed oak bark, poured a glass of boiling water, strained and cooled.

The prepared mixture of calendula, St. John's wort - one spoon and two spoons of white lily, poured with 500 milliliters of sunflower oil, also has a healing effect. It must be prepared in advance. The mixture is kept in the dark for 9 days and is used as an external remedy for any burns.

What to do if we get burned in the kitchen
What to do if we get burned in the kitchen

Longer cooking time requires a light, prepared from one part crushed St. John's wort and two parts olive oil. The mixture is left for 2-3 weeks and filtered. Gauze is soaked and placed on the burned or irritated area.

Another remedy, which is not prepared in advance, is made from the yolks of a few hard-boiled eggs, which are mashed and fried in a pan until a black sticky mass is obtained. This mixture is applied to the burned area and the skin heals very quickly.

Honey is also used as an effective remedy in the treatment of burns. It reduces the feeling of pain, prevents the appearance of blisters and helps the skin to recover quickly.

You can grate raw potatoes to get 100 grams of porridge. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and mix well. A mixture about 1 cm thick is placed on gauze and a compress is made. It is bandaged and left for 2 hours. After removing the gauze, the remnants of the mixture are removed. Such compresses should be made several times.

If you have aloe, you can apply a bandage to the burned area several times a day, using a leaf on which the top layer has been removed or is well crushed so that it releases juice.

For mild burns without blisters, you can use a mixture of 1 tablespoon of oil or olive oil, 2 tablespoons of cream and egg yolk. Make a compress of the mixture and bandage. Change once a day.
