Let's Fix The Sour Wine

Let's Fix The Sour Wine
Let's Fix The Sour Wine

One of the things in which the Bulgarian is the best is the production of homemade alcohol. We were one of the few countries that opposed the ban on cauldrons. To this day, these work and do not allow anyone, not even the law, to stop them.

One of the best wines in the world is made in Bulgaria. In our country the varieties are diverse and fragrant, and the masters know their job. Right now, in the autumn, approaching the winter months, professionals, and not so much, are busy stocking up.

In fact, the procedure is not difficult at all and anyone with more desire can make homemade wine. But as with many home-made things, many indicators must be followed when making wine and care must be taken with potential mistakes, such as the appearance of a sour taste.

Homemade red wine
Homemade red wine

When you decide to make homemade wine, all you need is grapes and some free time every day. There are different types of grapes, when you go to buy, you will choose. When it is bought, you can grind it on the spot - there are such machines in the grape markets. Your decision is whether it will be with the bunches or just the fruit.

The result is placed in cans - preferably in a basement or other cool isolated place. Here comes the moment when you need to take measures so that the wine does not become sour. You need to measure its sugar content. It is normal if it is around 22-24-25%. If it is lower, sugar is added so that it does not sour later. But you should not overdo it with sugar, because if there is a lot of it, your hangover is tied in a towel after another few hours of tasting the grape elixir prepared by you.

Red wine
Red wine

If it is higher, water is added to reduce it. The next point is that you have to stir every day until the period of clarification and overflow comes. You should keep in mind that while the fermentation period is going on and you try the wine, it is normal for it to be sour, as it will not be ready yet.

If, for reasons not clarified by you, the wine in the semi-finished version is still sour, it is recommended to add 1.5 g per liter of oxidant - calcium carbonate. In any case, it will erase the sour taste.

And most importantly - the wine can not sour, the only thing that can happen is not to look after it yourself.
