Food Colors Heal

Food Colors Heal
Food Colors Heal

The results of a recent European study show that the color of food also affects our health, mood and self-esteem. At first glance, it may seem strange, but the color of the products we consume can also generate different reactions in the body.

The study shows that the color of food perceived by the body does not correspond to normal for the human eye. For example, green peas acquire the color of caviar, milk is purple and flesh is gray. The eggs are bright red.

Experts advise those who want to improve appetite and digestion to serve their food in dishes with warm shades - yellow, orange or red. Those who want to lose weight should consume their food in plates of dark color - black, blue or burgundy.


And yet, how do food colors heal?

White foods such as milk, cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products, as well as rice, garlic, cauliflower, soothe the body and eliminate irritability and toxins.

Medicinal foods
Medicinal foods

Blue products - grapes, plums, blueberries, etc., contain anthocyanins, which protect blood vessels and help improve vision. They also help with bloating and colic. Improve the immune system.

Green foods such as lettuce, green beans, broccoli, green peas and more. nourish the brain, increase the activity of the human body and reduce stress. Green foods stimulate the production of red blood cells (red blood cells) in the blood and strengthen the immune system. Normalize blood pressure.

Color therapy
Color therapy

Red foods - beets, peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries and more. - increase vitality. They help release negative emotions, stress, bad mood and depression. They also improve blood circulation and increase efficiency. However, do not overdo it with them, because in large quantities they can cause sleep problems.

Orange products, such as peaches, apricots, pumpkin, tangerines, carrots, etc., increase sexuality. They help restore nerve cells and renew muscle tissue. If you suffer from headaches or migraines, eat mostly orange foods.

Yellow foods - pineapple, lemons, apples, pears, bananas, corn, cheese, egg yolk, etc., stimulate digestion. They stimulate the appetite, supply the body with energy and help purify the blood.
