The Influence Of Wine On Health

The Influence Of Wine On Health
The Influence Of Wine On Health

Wine is good for health, but overdoing it can harm the body. The antioxidants contained in wine fight premature aging by destroying free radicals.

However, when overdosed on wine, antioxidants are converted into free radicals. They destroy blood vessels by diluting the blood too much.

It is not recommended to drink more than half a liter of wine a day. Wine helps the endocrine system to work better.

The delicious drink helps maintain the normal acidity of the stomach, has antibacterial properties and expels toxins from the body.

Wine dilates blood vessels, normalizes metabolism, improves sleep, strengthens the body, tones and helps restore vitality.

Two glasses of wine
Two glasses of wine

Wine enriches the body with useful trace elements, as well as B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, saturates the body with useful amino acids.

Wine protects against atherosclerosis, helps to slow down premature aging of the body, reduces harmful cholesterol and is an excellent anti-stress agent.

Wine prevents the formation of blood clots, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Wine improves lipid metabolism, helps the proper balance of lipoproteins in the blood.

White wine lowers blood pressure. Although until recently it was thought that red wine was banned for hypertensives, two glasses of wine did not adversely affect their condition.

Wine helps dissolve sclerotic plaques in blood vessels. Drinking two glasses of wine a day significantly reduces the risk of stroke.
