Influence Of Alcohol On Humans

Influence Of Alcohol On Humans
Influence Of Alcohol On Humans

There are two types of alcohol - ethyl and ethanol. It has a double effect on the human body, and in most cases it is negative.

When taken, alcohol is broken down in the liver. There it is converted to acetaldehyde and then to acetate. Acetate, in turn, decomposes to carbon dioxide and water, which is discarded. The amount of acetate is equal to the amount of alcohol consumed. At higher levels of acetate, however, the body stops burning fat and uses it primarily for energy.

1 g of alcohol contains about 7 kcal. This amount is almost double that of one gram of protein or carbohydrate (4 kcal), but still less than one gram of fat. Thus, when a person consumes alcohol, he provides his body with only empty calories, which are unnecessary.

Although absorbed quickly by the body, alcohol is absorbed relatively slowly and can affect up to 48 hours after ingestion.

Drinking Alcohol
Drinking Alcohol

In recent years, there has been a downward trend in the age limit for people consuming alcohol. This is mainly due to the lack of information on how harmful this can be and how drinking gradually becomes a habit with very dangerous consequences.

People who have consumed alcohol have increased self-esteem, unmotivated irritability, slurred speech, shaky gait, flushed face, agitation, then drowsiness, apathy and if the condition is very severe, falling into a coma.

The condition is transient and resolves after 6 to 12 hours. It is possible to lose hours of memory while getting drunk. The next day usually comes with a hangover, manifested by malaise, nausea, bad taste in the mouth, dizziness, headache and shortness of breath.

This is because alcohol is a tissue poison. It acts on the body's cells and their oxygen supply. Brain cells are most severely affected, and food is retained in the stomach due to canning and alcohol.


Alcohol is one of the substances that can quickly change a person's mental and physical condition. Frequent and prolonged alcohol abuse leads to the so-called alcoholic disease - progressive disease, with damage to the body and psyche.

The effect of alcohol on a person is determined by age, weight, gender and mood. The most sensitive to it are adolescents, whose body is in constant growth.

Other negatives that alcohol use can bring are a slowdown in metabolism, a negative effect on the Krebs cycle, a reduction in protein absorption by 20%, a decrease in nervous activity, dehydration.

It prevents the burning of fat and the coordination of the body, slows down its reactions, and at the same time can raise blood pressure, as the heart works harder to "pump" blood into the body. At the same time, it sharply reduces the levels of vitamins in the body, which inevitably leads to numerous side effects.
