Tips For Young Chefs

Tips For Young Chefs
Tips For Young Chefs

Cutting vegetables and just putting them in oil to fry is not so easy, especially for novice housewives.

Questions begin to be asked such as how much fat, how to cut vegetables, etc. Therefore, young chefs must be introduced to the wonderful world of cooking and learn the most important things, and over time, will even laugh at the questions they asked themselves in the beginning.

1. The easiest way to grease the pan is with a brush, which is pre-greased with oil or butter. Gradually, you will begin to do this "by eye". After greasing, if you make cakes, be sure to flour the pan.

2. Flour the pan - you need a spoonful of flour, put it in the cake pan and spread it all over the pan. The rest of the flour is removed.

3. To make your cake well baked, you need to put it in a preheated oven and when it is ready and turn off the oven - leave it warm for at least ten minutes.

4. If you have made a cake pan or a cake in the form, it will be easiest to help it come out if you have previously floured the pan or put household paper.

5. If you need to spread the dough - you should gradually pull it to the sides of the form, starting from the middle. To make it easier for you, you can grease your fingers - preferably with butter, not oil, because the oil "slips" the dough and puts it back in the middle.

protein breakdown
protein breakdown

6. Beat eggs and sugar until white - beat with a fork or mixer until you get a white cream, most of which is foam.

7. Beating proteins - start slowly beating proteins and gradually increase the speed. It is most practical to use a mixer, as breaking snow takes a lot of time and will be difficult to do by hand.

8. The easiest way to peel tomatoes is to pour boiling water over them and immediately pour cold water over them.

9. To wash mushrooms perfectly put them in a plastic bag, add a spoonful of flour, pour water and start to stir them. Then rinse.

10. If you need to fry meat, put it in preheated oil and salt it only after it is already fried so that it does not become tough.

11. When the potatoes are white, place the already peeled ones in a bowl of water so that they do not turn brown.

12. Whenever you make a dough product, it is good to sift the flour at least twice, because this way air enters it and the pastries become fluffier and swell more.

13. When roasting pepper, put the roasted in a plastic bag - so it is stewed and then peeled very easily.
