Healthy Dishes With Einkorn

Healthy Dishes With Einkorn
Healthy Dishes With Einkorn

Einkorn is an extremely healthy cereal plant. It was used as food by our ancient ancestors, who preferred it to wheat.

The differences between spelt and modern wheat are few. Einkorn has a simple genetic structure composed of 14 chromosomes. In contrast, modern wheat contains 42 chromosomes. Compared to modern wheat varieties, coarse einkorn has twice the content of Vitamin A, has 4 times more beta-carotene, 4 times more lutein and 5 times riboflavin.

In addition to the high content of these vitamins and minerals, einkorn is very soft and easy to absorb. Impresses with its enviable taste.

This favorite food of the pharaohs is still preferred today, especially by fans of healthy and low-calorie food. You can start with einkorn in the morning. It is the perfect breakfast spelt with yogurt and honey. In addition to being delicious, this breakfast will provide you with protein and antioxidants for the whole day.


Einkorn with yogurt and honey

Necessary products:

1 cup single-grain tea spelt, ½ bucket of yogurt, 1 tbsp. homemade honey

Method of preparation:

Einkorn is washed well and drained. From last night, soak in yogurt and leave in the refrigerator. When you take it out for consumption, add honey to it.

Here's how to prepare a healthy one spelt for consumption in the lunch and evening menu.

Einkorn soup

Einkorn with tomatoes
Einkorn with tomatoes

Necessary products:

2/3 cup of einkorn, 1 onion, 3 small colored peppers, a bunch of parsley, 3 carrots, mint (6 fresh leaves / 2 pinches dried), 2 tomatoes, 3 tbsp. olive oil, salt

Method of preparation:

Cut onions in bulk, carrots into circles, peppers clean and cut into large cubes, finely chop the stalks of parsley, and put them in a suitable saucepan. Add salt and olive oil. You let them boil.

When this happens, add the einkorn and finely chopped mint leaves (if using dried, grind it). Bring to a simmer until the einkorn softens. Then add the grated tomatoes and leave to cook. Immediately after removing from the heat, the soup is sprinkled with finely chopped parsley leaves. Serve hot or cold - as desired.

Einkorn grains
Einkorn grains

Healthy dish with einkorn

Necessary products:

2 tsp pre-cooked spelt, 1 medium onion, 1 tomato, 1/2 bunch parsley, 1 egg, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1/2 tbsp salt

Method of preparation:

Heat the olive oil and sauté the coarsely chopped onion and finely chopped parsley stalks. When this happens, pour the diced tomato and boiled einkorn into the bowl. Add salt and simmer, stirring constantly. When done, remove from the heat and add the well-beaten egg. The mixture is stirred vigorously and distributed on a plate. The dish is served immediately and consumed warm.

Consumption of spelt is recommended by Peter Deunov. It is given as food for physical and spiritual purification.
