Healthy Einkorn Is Offered In Bulgaria

Healthy Einkorn Is Offered In Bulgaria
Healthy Einkorn Is Offered In Bulgaria

The chairwoman of the branch union of bakers and confectioners Mariana Kukusheva warned that pseudo-healers in our country offer dangerous einkorn from the Chernobyl region.

The culture, which is being pushed to Bulgarian consumers, has been used to extract radiation from soils that were contaminated after the 1986 Ukrainian nuclear accident.

Ukrainian einkorn, which is offered in Bulgaria, should be destroyed, not consumed, because its purpose was not at all when it was sown.

Instead, einkorn is imported and traded in our country at prices ten times higher than those of wheat, although it is dangerous to health.


Kukusheva warns that dangerous einkorn is mostly available on the Internet and therefore warns consumers to be very careful when buying the crop.

"It is grown in extremely small quantities in disadvantaged highlands. And for fodder, not to be the main food of the people. "- commented the chairwoman of the branch union.

Due to the many harmful foods available on the markets, the European Commission has proposed the introduction of a traffic light to alert consumers to which foods are good and which are not.

The basis of this proposal is to put red, yellow and green colors on each food, like a traffic light, to alert customers to the danger of the food they buy.

Wheat Einkorn
Wheat Einkorn

The red color will signal harmful food, and the green color, respectively - for good health.

The commission hopes the innovation will force some manufacturers to reduce the amount of harmful ingredients in their products such as sugar, trans fats and others.

However, the native Minister of Agriculture and Food, Professor Dimitar Grekov, is skeptical of the European Commission's proposal, as he believes that such an innovation can only make food more expensive.

On the other hand, the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency supports the innovation on the labels of the goods, although they have some remarks.
