The Kitchen Apron - A Time Traveler With Many Faces

The Kitchen Apron - A Time Traveler With Many Faces
The Kitchen Apron - A Time Traveler With Many Faces

She has always been around us. In the memories of the grandmothers, in the mothers' kitchens, in the butcher's shop or in the workshop - there is always at least one somewhere.

It has passed epochs, it has changed its purpose, it has been a symbol and a negation, so that even today it is a handful of stories.

The origin of the apron is far back in time. It is difficult to determine her date of birth, but it is safe to say that she was strongly associated with workers in different eras. Thus, during the Middle Ages, its main function of protecting and defending it became a serious part of the wardrobe. Aesthetics at that time was put in the background, it was wide, made of linen and was worn by both men and women.

A farmer, a cleaner, a baker or a butcher - everyone has it and puts it on


Grandma's apron, which we know perfectly, actually hides its essence, and it is perfect, because it was once one of the attributes of Freemasonry. This is its somewhat mysterious side… It has been a sign of belonging to the fraternity and shows, even to this day, the various degrees of Freemasonry (from apprentice to great master).

In the past, the apron was made of lambskin, mostly white, a symbol of work. Over the centuries, the apron has changed and today we find it in different colors and patterns, as well as all kinds of fabrics, even satin.

In the 19th century it was a reflection of the social class. Worn by most maids, the apron is perceived as their work clothes. Cooking, washing, cleaning, ironing, starting the stove… it is part of all tasks.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the apron changed its appearance. Her aesthetics come into play. Embroidery, lace and quality fabrics make it a representative garment. At this time, a distinction is also made between an everyday apron and a holiday apron.


In the 60's society the apron also changes too. End of maid aprons, they become a symbol of the middle-class housewife. To the beautiful woman by the stove, to the good cook preparing little delicious things for her family.

After the end of the 60's, however, the society changed fundamentally this time as well. Electrical appliances are starting a real revolution in the kitchen, women are working more and more often and they are throwing away the aprons, which have become a symbol of "anti-feminism".

Today the kitchen apron is less and less used by young people. It looks old and not so chic, although full of good memories… And this is not only in the kitchen - there are fewer and fewer young people who wear an apron in the garden or when they make something.

But there is something else - in addition to culinary shows, blogs and reality - young people are increasingly interested in cooking. So maybe the renaissance of the good old apron coming!
