Useful Foods For The Cardiovascular System

Useful Foods For The Cardiovascular System
Useful Foods For The Cardiovascular System

A healthy heart is not just the result of heredity or a lack of bad habits. Proper nutrition is essential for a healthy lifestyle.

Oatmeal is a great breakfast, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, potassium and folic acid. This plus the fact that they have a large amount of cellulose makes them a valuable helper in the fight against cholesterol, as well as to maintain the normal functioning of blood vessels. The larger the oats, the richer they are in cellulose. You can also add a banana to them. It is also rich in cellulose.

Useful foods for the cardiovascular system
Useful foods for the cardiovascular system

The fish is one of the most beneficial foods for the cardiovascular system, it is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Oilier fish are best because they have the highest content of useful fatty acids.

The avocado - add ¼ of it to the salad or meat. It will help you get good cholesterol in your blood, as well as reduce the content of bad cholesterol.

In the olive oil contains monounsaturated fats, which successfully fight cholesterol plaques and prevent blockages in blood vessels.

Useful foods for the cardiovascular system
Useful foods for the cardiovascular system

Walnuts and almonds are extremely useful. Consumption helps them to absorb cellulose well and reduce the feeling of hunger.

Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries - they are extremely rich in anti-inflammatory substances that help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Beans and lentils are rich in cellulose, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. They are low in calories and can be consumed as a main dish or as a side dish.

Spinach contains a lot of lutein, folic acid, cellulose and potassium. In addition to spinach, all vegetables are useful. Consumption of two servings of vegetables a day has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 25%. Each additional portion reduces the risk by another 17%.

Flaxseed is extremely useful. Add it to salads or other dishes, it is a gold mine for useful fatty acids.

Soy successfully fights cholesterol, fills the body with protein. Consume its natural version, not genetically modified.
