Supermarkets For Natural Products Inflated Prices

Supermarkets For Natural Products Inflated Prices
Supermarkets For Natural Products Inflated Prices

The largest supermarket chain in the United States, specializing mainly in the trade of natural products Whole Foods, was accused of unjustified price increases.

The chain's chief executives, Maggie and Walter Bob, have officially admitted that their New York stores have sold a number of goods and products at much higher prices than other similar stores.

The company explained the serious discrepancy in prices with their incorrect marking by the supermarket staff.

The mistake with the price marking caused the company to start additional training of its staff.

To clear part of its image, as well as to restore the trust of its customers, Whole Foods promised that if a buyer finds drastic discrepancies in the price of a product, he will receive it for free.

However, it turns out that the infringements related to unjustifiably high food prices are not isolated cases, but rather a practice that was discovered during an inspection by the New York Department of Consumer Protection.


The inspectors encountered high mark-ups on some types of fruit, vegetables and meat, which differed drastically from the industry average.

Whole Foods opened its first store in 1980 in Austin, Texas. Gradually the business grows and the chain specializes in the trade of natural organic food products.

Whole Foods shelves offer foods that do not contain transgenic and genetically modified additives.

To date, there are more than 400 Whole Foods stores located in all states.
