Why Is Microwave Cooking Harmful?

Why Is Microwave Cooking Harmful?
Why Is Microwave Cooking Harmful?

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"Microwave ovens can be dangerous to human health and especially to children," he said. It refers to the fact that each microwave oven creates microwaves that "attack" food molecules, and the resulting oscillation forces them to raise their temperature. Thus the composition is disturbed.

This type of kitchen appliance is dangerous for children because some amino acids that are part of milk are converted into d-isomers, which are thought to be neuro- and nephrotoxic. Today, most children are fed formula, which loses even its few valuable ingredients in the microwave.

Scientists claim that food prepared with the help of a microwave oven harms the body. They mean higher cholesterol and lower hemoglobin, compared to the same food, but prepared by different heat treatment.

When science speaks…

A study conducted in Russia shows the following results:

Microwave irradiation of meat leads to the formation of known carcinogens, and milk combined with breakfast cereals cooked in a microwave oven leads to the conversion of amino acids into harmful products.

Microwave cooking
Microwave cooking

Another fact is that the thawing of frozen fruits is associated with the conversion of glucose into carcinogenic ingredients. Such free radicals are often formed in root vegetables subjected to microwave radiation.

The study also proves that marked structural degradation of the foods they have tested leads to a reduction in their nutritional value from 60 to 90%. This reduces the amount of vitamins B, C and E, as well as other useful ingredients.

There are enough contradictory theories "for" or "against" the place of the microwave oven in your kitchen, but we must not forget that we still live in the 21st century - an era of high technology and standards. And if, despite everything you've read, you've decided not to deprive yourself of the microwave, here are some tips that will help you:

Never leave the stove empty and do not use the appliance if the door is damaged. Observe at least 30 cm from the operating microwave oven. Limit the use of salt, as the appliance exaggerates the taste of the dish. Add less fat, because the microwave cooks with the fat of the products themselves, which in turn means that you can significantly reduce the number of calories per day. Minimize the use of aluminum foil. It is preferable to get a special foil for this type of stove.
