Tips For Cooking Rabbit

Tips For Cooking Rabbit
Tips For Cooking Rabbit

There are many typical Bulgarian customs associated with our festive table - stuffed carp for St. Nicholas Day, stuffed piglet for Christmas, lamb for Easter and especially around St. George's Day. Sometimes, even because of our familiar American Thanksgiving, we start stuffing turkeys…

But what do we know about rabbit meat and most of all what can we cook with it? However, rabbits are bred in abundance in our country, and the dishes with them are not tied to any traditions.

We bring to your attention 5 useful ones advice in the preparation of rabbit meat:

1. Rabbit meat is suitable for preparing all kinds of dishes - soups, appetizers, main dishes, etc. It is important to know that rabbit meat is dry and no matter what you choose to cook with it, you should add enough fat to the dish;

2. From rabbit meat is cooked wonderful soups that are made in a similar way as chicken. That's why you can even make fricassee from rabbit meat;


3. Rabbit meat can be divided into parts and breaded separately, then served with potatoes (they can also be fried if you are not on a diet). It is also used to make very tasty stews, as long as they have enough sauce;

4. As we said, rabbit is quite dry meat, which must be taken into account if you want to stuff the rabbit. Regarding the filling, we will mention in the point below, but because it is dry meat, it is good after filling it, to smear it with plenty of oil and red pepper. It is even better if you have a fatter bacon to cut into small pieces and wrap the rabbit with it. This way you will achieve 3 in 1, as they say - you will protect the rabbit from burning, you will naturally grease the rabbit meat and you will give it the characteristic taste of bacon.

Stuffed rabbit
Stuffed rabbit

5. The filling for the stuffed rabbit can be of your choice, but in Bulgarian cuisine the rabbit is traditionally stuffed with rice. It is usually added to finely chopped onions and carrots and the stewed entrails of the rabbit. The rabbit's lungs are pre-cooked and then added to the filling. Mushrooms go well with all this, as well as typical "our" spices such as savory, mint and black pepper.
