Tips For Cooking Salmon

Tips For Cooking Salmon
Tips For Cooking Salmon

So much has been written about the health benefits of salmon consumption that if we took up the subject again, we would probably annoy you. However, remember how much wisdom is hidden in the words of our native writer Ventseslav Konstantinov, who says that the healthiest food is delicious. That is why here we will offer you some tips on cooking salmonto make it not only healthy food but also delicious.

1. The most annoying thing about eating fish lies in the fact that while eating, you have to "fight" with the removal of its bones. If you are not taking a boned salmon fillet, we recommend that you remove the bones beforehand so that you can enjoy this magnificent fish to the fullest. This is done using fine pliers or even tweezers and gently pulling the bones in the direction in which they are located in the salmon's body.

2. You may think you need to remove the salmon skin, but we don't recommend it. When you cook it on a grill, pan or in the oven, it will protect the fish meat from burning. Once it is ready, you will not have any problems with the removal of the skin, which, unlike its bones, separates very easily when the fish is ready.

Cooking salmon
Cooking salmon

3. Frequent error in cooking salmon is that it is subjected to too long heat treatment. In order not to disintegrate the fish, or not to look like porridge, then "throw" it briefly in a pan or grill, which are heated to a very high temperature and only then (if necessary) let it bake in the oven. but at low temperature.

4. As much as we love to eat fish, we are always worried that our kitchen will absorb all the fishy smells. If you cook salmon for fish soup or you want to lightly stew it, then add aromatic herbs, lemon juice or a little white wine to its water. This will minimize odors. This technique also applies to the preparation of the fish in general, not just salmon.

Salmon pate
Salmon pate

5. Did the cooked salmon come in more? Do not throw it away and do not rush to offer it to your cat. Put it in the fridge and the next day prepare a salad of your choice, salmon pate or appetizing and healthy breakfast sandwiches with the leftovers.
