Roquefort - The Moldy Delicacy Of The World

Roquefort - The Moldy Delicacy Of The World
Roquefort - The Moldy Delicacy Of The World

Moldy and fragrant, this strange-looking cheese tastes like one of the world's greatest culinary masterpieces. Even if they are prejudiced at first, most lovers of interesting and appetizing food become its passionate admirers forever.

And even if you are not among them, it will not be difficult to convince you to follow them. Because the king of cheeses has a special taste of burnt noise and hazelnuts and is an excellent companion to red wine and fruits such as grapes, pears, figs and citrus. And its shiny crust and soft high-fat blue mold core arouse both curiosity and the palate.

The moldy delicacy Roquefort, like many other culinary creations, was born by accident. Legend has it that a French shepherd played a major role in this, preferring to run after women rather than deal with his sheep. Probably for this reason he forgot his breakfast of bread and sheep's cheese in a cave. Discovering it a few months later, Penicillium roquefort (a type of bread mold) had already done its job, turning ordinary cheese into the famous Roquefort cheese.


It was not long before the shepherd's cave in the Roquefort-sur-Sulzon area in southern France became extremely valuable. He left more and more cheese in it as the people around him began to want more and more. Soon he had to put shelves. Then other caves were adapted in this way.

Traces of this cheese are found in texts from the distant 1070! Later, Charles VI gave the locals a monopoly on production and decided to protect their caves. A decree of the parliament in Toulouse in 1666 even allows for the punishment of sellers of counterfeit Roquefort cheese.

In the 19th century, like many other "ambassadors" of France around the world, this blue cheese, along with champagne, began to "shine" on other countries, especially the United States.

Since 1925, Roquefort cheese has received protection with a designation of controlled origin. This is the first cheese with such protection. In 1951 it was confirmed internationally. The name Roquefort has been recognized at European level as a protected designation of origin since 1996. Roquefort's production conditions are defined very precisely, in particular in the decrees on names of 22 January 2001 and 17 May 2005. For more than thirty years so far, only milk coming from the Roquefort region has been used in the production process of Roquefort cheese.

Roquefort cheese
Roquefort cheese

Roquefort cheese should not be confused with other types of blue cheese, also delicious and challenging, but which appeared after it - Fort d'Amber, Blue d'Aver, Gorgonzola and many others.

In addition to an interesting story and incredible taste, Roquefort cheese has another merit. It is the source of the antibiotic penicillin. Prior to the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming, shepherds had a habit of treating their wounds by placing this cheese on them to avoid gangrene.

With the advent of modern medicine and the discovery of microbes, doctors began to actively fight against this method from the village and accuse its users of quackery. It was necessary to wait for the discovery of the properties of penicillin contained in Roquefort, so that today's medicine can recognize the discovery of shepherds.
