Green Diet

Green Diet
Green Diet

What to eat to lose weight instead of gaining weight? This question is eternal. The green diet was developed by American nutritionists and got its name because of the menu, which consists of fruits and vegetables with green color.

The green diet provides the body with the necessary vitamins and trace elements, but like any restrictive diet, it can be followed only after consulting a doctor.

The basis of the green diet are green fruits and vegetables, green leafy spices, green tea. The diet should be varied and combine different vegetables and fruits.

Cucumbers, green peppers, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, lettuce, celery, green onions, dill, parsley, asparagus, dock, spinach, sorrel, peas are green vegetables.

Green diet
Green diet

The green fruits are kiwi, green grapes. During the day you should drink a lot of tea - mint, green, lemon balm. Vegetables are eaten raw or steamed.

If you feel you can't stand it, eat a piece of skinless chicken, some fish, one or two eggs. They will fill the lack of enough protein.

Green diet has a positive effect on metabolism. It stabilizes blood sugar levels. This is explained by the low glycemic index of green fruits and vegetables.

The negative caloric content of the products in the green diet causes the body to consume the accumulated fat. The green diet provides the necessary vitamins and minerals, which has a good effect on appearance.

For the absorption of raw fruits and vegetables, the body consumes more calories than it receives, and at the same time cellulose gives a feeling of satiety.

The green diet can be followed for no more than ten days. Its disadvantage is a high probability of carbohydrate starvation, which is manifested mainly in excess of the days on which the diet is followed. Pregnant women and nursing mothers cannot follow a green diet.
