Why Onions Make Us Cry

Why Onions Make Us Cry
Why Onions Make Us Cry

Many of you have probably cried while cutting onions. You are probably curious to know why this is so. Here you can find interesting information about what makes us cry while cutting onions.

Onions are one of the oldest vegetables known to mankind. It is used in a wide range of foods and recipes as an additive for a special taste. There are different types of onions according to their colors. The two main categories are green onions and old onions.

Old onions can be white, red or yellow. Depending on the variety, onions can be spicy, pungent, spicy or light and sweeter in taste. Today we can buy both fresh onions and frozen, canned, pickled and dehydrated. Onions can be used chopped or sliced to prepare many dishes and salads. Chopped onions are also used as a side dish.

Onions have some healing properties and have a number of health benefits. It is useful in the treatment of colds, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and other diseases. It contains substances that are believed to contain anticholesterol and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and are effective in the fight against cancer.

Heads of Onions
Heads of Onions

In many countries, onions are used to treat inflammation. Products containing onion extract are used to treat local scars. Onions have the effect of lowering blood sugar, in addition it is useful for the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems; offers protection against many cancers and stimulates bone strength.

Why do onions make us cry?

Many people use onions in their daily cooking. You must have shed tears while cutting onions. Wondering why this is so? Because there are some specific substances in onion cells.


Like most other plants, onions are made up of cells. These cells are separated by a membrane in two sections. One side of the membrane consists of enzymes, and the other side contains molecules that consist of sulfur compounds. When you cut an onion, many of the cells open and the contents on both sides of the membrane mix - this causes a series of chemical reactions. During these reactions, acids are formed which are immediately converted to volatile gases.

This gas reaches our eyes and reacts with the water in our eyes. Some chemical reactions take place in the eyes and sulfuric acid is formed there. It causes inflammation. The nerve endings in the eyes are very sensitive, and hence the eyes hurt when cutting onions. The tear ducts are stimulated to produce more water to dilute the irritating acid so that the eyes are protected.

How to prevent onion irritation?

You can prevent eye irritation when cutting onions in several ways. The simplest of these is to keep your head as far away as possible. The gas will dissipate before it reaches your eyes. Another simple solution is to wear goggles while cutting onions - those for swimming are best.

However, if the kitchen is full of steam, then you may not see through the glasses. If you peel the onion and cool it in the refrigerator before cutting, this will reduce the release of gas to some extent. The change in temperature changes the compounds contained in onions. You can cut onions in water or under running water. Once you cook the onion, it causes the enzymes to be inactivated. That is why the smell of semi-finished products with onions is strong, but they do not irritate the eyes.

According to some assumptions, if you hold a piece of bread, a cube of sugar or a lemon, they will absorb the volatile gases before they reach your eyes and thus protect them from irritation. If you breathe with your mouth instead of your nose, you can prevent a lot of gas from reaching your eyes. While cutting an onion, avoid cutting its roots, as they have a higher concentration of enzymes.
