Asafetida Combines The Aroma Of Onion And Garlic

Asafetida Combines The Aroma Of Onion And Garlic
Asafetida Combines The Aroma Of Onion And Garlic

Asafetida is an interesting Indian spice, also known as food of the gods, asanth, fragrant resin and others. It has unique taste and healing properties.

In the Indian culinary tradition, powdered asafetida is used in almost all traditional dishes. It is often offered mixed with wheat flour. It is suitable for vegetarian dishes, as it balances the taste of sweet, sour and spicy ingredients in the dish.

The spice is a resin from the root of the wild tropical plant Ferula asafoetida. It has a typical pungent aroma that is very reminiscent of that of onions and garlic. This makes it a perfect substitute for them in salads and dishes, especially for people with sensitive stomachs.

The spicy taste of the spice requires limited use. It is used in side dishes, baked sandwiches, hors d'oeuvres and hot vegetable dishes. It is used to season pies, savory dishes, snacks, rice and everything with vegetable stuffing.

The intake of this Indian miracle has a beneficial effect on both the digestive and respiratory and nervous systems. It is among the most commonly used herbs in the Eastern system of treatment.

Onions and garlic
Onions and garlic

In the past, asafetida was given to pregnant women to strengthen the body. It also acted as opium. That is why today it is not used for these purposes.

According to folk healers from the East, anyone who uses asafetida in their diet becomes calmer. It will also improve your relationships with others. The herb relieves stress and smoothes wrinkles.

In folk medicine, asafetida is used to relieve spasms of smooth muscles, asthma and bronchitis. It is often used as a means of clearing toxins.

The ingredients in it boost immunity and help the body fight flu and colds. In addition, studies show that asafetida helps to make the connection between the two cerebral hemispheres.
