Culinary Use Of Asafetida

Culinary Use Of Asafetida
Culinary Use Of Asafetida

Asafetida is an exotic Indian spice. It is popular both for its rich taste and for its healing properties. For thousands of years the plant has been used in the Eastern system for the treatment of all diseases - Ayurveda.

Asafetida is also known as food of the gods, fragrant resin, asant and others. It is a resin from the roots of the plant Ferula asafetida. It is ground to a powder and used as a spicy spice in cooking. It is often offered in combination with wheat flour. Thus, its taste becomes softer.

The spice is characterized by a strong, unadulterated aroma. It tastes like onions and garlic. However, it does not irritate the stomach, which makes it a worthy substitute for them.

In cooking, asafetida is most often used for seasoning vegetable dishes. It is added to all kinds of snacks, rice, appetizers and salty pasta, especially those with vegetable stuffing.

Asafetida has a pronounced preservative effect, which is why it is added to all kinds of pickles and winter vegetables.

In India, the spice is traditional and is added to almost every dish. It is most often seasoned with vegetarian dishes, as it balances the taste of sour, sweet and spicy ingredients in the dish.

Asafetida spice
Asafetida spice

In our country the spice can be found in Indian and Arab grocery stores. The use of the spice, in addition to pleasing the senses, also has a beneficial effect on the digestive, respiratory and nervous systems.

In the past, the spice was used as a contraceptive and as an abortion. Today the reception of the plant by pregnant women is prohibited. In addition, asafetida was used as an antidote to opium.

In folk medicine, asafetida is used as a painkiller. It is used to treat smooth muscle spasms, flu, bronchitis and asthma. The herb removes toxins from the body and strengthens the immune system.

It is even believed to strengthen the connection between the two hemispheres of the brain. Infusion of asafetida is given in panic attacks. The herb is also used for hysteria and unstable nerves.
