Culinary Use Of Horseradish

Culinary Use Of Horseradish
Culinary Use Of Horseradish

Horseradish is a perennial plant of the cruciferous family. Its distribution in our country is quite wide. It is found both as a weed and as a cultivated vegetable. However, it is still rarely present in the cuisine of our country.

The beneficial root of horseradish is a source of large amounts of vitamin C, as well as minerals such as potassium and calcium. Due to these properties, in ancient times it was used to treat gastrointestinal diseases and colds. Its edible roots actively fight bacteria in the body.

Horseradish roots can be found in markets all year round. The fresh root is recognizable by its white and dense interior. It is harvested in late October and stored in a cool place.

Another option is to bury the roots in sand or store them grated in bulk and mixed with vinegar, salt, honey and a little oil. The hotness of the resulting mixture is softened by adding a little grated apple. The result is in any case very spicy and extremely small amounts are used.

In our country, horseradish is most often and almost exclusively added in the preparation of boiled beef or sauerkraut. In addition to these applications, the appetizing root can be used in a number of other culinary temptations.

It is a wonderful spice for all kinds of meat soups and kebabs. It fits extremely well in all sauces, especially for fish. Corresponds well with mayonnaise. The resulting mixture is suitable for garnishing roasted meats, boiled fish, boiled beef and boiled pork legs. It is best served with cold dishes.


The aroma that horseradish adds to each dish is specific and unique. The slightly spicy taste is just another plus. The spice is added at the end of cooking. It is not subject to long heat treatment, as it destroys its aroma. However, fresh, raw, boiled or dried roots of the plant are used for eating.

Horseradish can be used in the preparation of summer salads. Grated horseradish and carrots, flavored with lemon or vinegar, are a wonderful combination to welcome summer evenings. In addition, horseradish is also used for canning winter products.

In this case, put the whole plant, along with the leaves. In some countries, horseradish leaves are used to wrap sarma.
