What Does The Pumpkin Go With?

What Does The Pumpkin Go With?
What Does The Pumpkin Go With?

Pumpkin is often served during the winter season. With its mild taste and wonderful aroma, it has become a preferred ingredient in many recipes, and the definition of a healthy food is beyond doubt.

Pumpkin is also called the fruit vegetable and as we have already said, it is preferred in the kitchen not only because of its excellent taste, but also because of its useful qualities. Pumpkin is rich in beta carotene and vitamins A, B, C, D. It is used in many diets to treat kidney disease, heart problems, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis. Also, pumpkin stabilizes the nervous and immune systems.

Pumpkin can be cooked, boiled or steamed. If you decide to cook it, keep in mind that it loses much of its useful properties.

Pumpkin pie
Pumpkin pie

Pumpkin is used mainly in desserts, but sometimes involved in making main dishes. In Italy, for example, it is combined with pasta and various cheeses. In France, pumpkin is used to make a variety of savory cakes, and in China, its leaves are used to make soup.

Pumpkin goes well with carrots, spinach, mushrooms, potatoes, cheese and even chocolate. From the fruits, a good combination is obtained with bananas, apples, apricots, cranberries and various spices such as curry, ginger and cinnamon. If you have decided to try a meat dish with pumpkin, you better bet on pork. We have heard of successful experiments with chicken and rabbit.

Pumpkin with rice in the oven
Pumpkin with rice in the oven

Still, the pumpkin remains an ideal product in the confectionery industry. You can use it in making pies, cheesecakes, cakes, pancakes, bread and buns. Many mothers rely on pumpkin to make baby puree.

Fruits and vegetables make a great base for sauces.

You can fill pumpkin with stuffing of your choice or make your own risotto or soup.

Pumpkin seeds can also be used in the kitchen. Added raw becomes a good accent is in salads and side dishes. It is also used to make oil. Pumpkin seed oil is added to salads and desserts. Most often combined with honey and olive oil, there are combinations with butter and apple cider vinegar. Italian confectioneries serve vanilla ice cream topped with pumpkin seed oil.
