Avocado Oil - How To Cook With It

Avocado Oil - How To Cook With It
Avocado Oil - How To Cook With It

Avocados have recently become one of the most discussed tropical foods. It is invariably present in every healthy diet and is considered a real super food because of all the nutrients it contains.

One of its products is avocado oil. It is not a new idea, nococonut oil is winning the battle for popularity with it, despite the fact that the wonderful avocado product fully deserves the admiration of those who use it regularly.

What is avocado oil and what is its place in cooking?

Avocado oil is obtained when pressing the flesh of the avocado after the stone has been removed. This makes it one of the few vegetable oils obtained not from the seed but from the edible part. In its pure form before refining, it is green in color, has a mild taste and a pungent odor of the fruit. Refining gives it a yellowish color, as does sunflower oil.

Avocado oil contains the useful ingredients of the raw material from which it is made. And this means a high content of nutrients, among which we must mention omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E, proteins, phytosterols.

avocado oil
avocado oil

In terms of its useful ingredients, this oil is close to Exstra Virgin olive oil, but there is one significant difference, which is its great advantage. It is a vegetable fat with the highest boiling point - over 270 degrees.

Therefore, it can be used not only to flavor cold dishes and salads, but also as an alternative to sunflower oil, which is healthier.

Its safety when heated to high temperatures makes it suitable for frying, sautéing and roasting or for stewing meat or vegetables. At high temperatures it does not emit harmful substances and also makes the food very pleasant because of its soft taste.

The unique feeling that avocado oil carries of taste receptors, is the reason why it is always a good alternative to olive oil and a suitable ingredient in homemade mayonnaise, salad dressing and especially in sauces, which soften the taste of the main dish, because they themselves are light and pleasant when prepared with avocado oil.

It is safe to say that avocado oil is superior to olive oil in terms of its health benefits, and this is a plus to the richness of taste and soft aroma.
