Culinary Use Of Camembert

Culinary Use Of Camembert
Culinary Use Of Camembert

Camembert is a soft and greasy French cheese that is covered with a fine rind of noble white mold. Camembert can often be mistaken for brie cheese. They differ in that the fat in Camembert is more, which is why it has a more pronounced creamy taste.

Camembert melts easily - in just a few minutes at room temperature, its core becomes so soft that it almost spills.

This is exactly how camembert should be served. Therefore, before serving it to your guests, you should take it out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before and cut it, and then leave it at room temperature. If the camembert is already soft, you cannot cut it.

Camembert cheese is served with walnuts, chopped green spices, figs, dates, grapes or combined with other cheeses.

In France, Camembert cheese is often served with warm baguette. When warmed, this cheese becomes even tastier, so it is used to make pizzas, hot sandwiches or simply served baked with spices or fruit.

Camembert cheese
Camembert cheese

Camembert is added to fruit salads and gives them a unique taste. Camembert fruit salad is prepared from one package of Camembert, half a pineapple, one kiwi, one orange, one apple, one chicory. For the dressing you will need 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, lemon juice and olive oil.

Chicory is cut and placed on a plate. A mixture of diced fruit is placed on it. Shortly before serving, put thin slices of Camembert on top and pour the dressing.

Baked Camembert with spices is also very tasty. You need a pack of Camembert, 1 clove of garlic, a pinch of rosemary and thyme, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, pepper to taste.

In a preheated oven to 180 degrees put a pan with Camembert, which has been previously pierced in several places with a knife and sprinkled with spices, and in one of the incisions is placed garlic.

Before baking, the cheese is sprinkled with olive oil and sprinkled with black pepper. Bake until golden brown and serve warm.
